So, I have been sober for 308 days from drugs, alcohol and psychiatric medication. The reason I started abusing mind altering substances is because of an eating disorder that became overbearing in my teenage years. Just recently I’ve REALLY been struggling with my eating disorder, and I’m not really sure how to cope. Normally, I would chain smoke cigarettes, but I quite those a week ago too. Anyone else suffering from an eating disorder in recovery?
I have been thinking that maybe OA (Overeaters Anonymous) would be the answer for me. I was going to go to a meeting yesterday but I was too ashamed to leave the house. My boyfriend got me out and moving today, so I think I might see if there is an OA meeting tonight that I could attend. I’ll update you guys if I find one.
I struggle with anorexia and I am holding on to it probably because it is still something I feel I can control although it is really out of control. My counselors know about it at CDRP and my sponsor knows. One day at a time. Stay strong!! I am 5 months sober. This is my first rodeo after 2 years of heavy drinking and pill addiction.
An update on the OA (Overeaters Anonymous) meeting - I really think anyone that is struggling with bulimia could really benefit from the support group. I picked up a beginners chip and will be doing 90 meetings in 90 days for this program (the same way I did AA).