ED in sobriety

Hello everyone ! (I’m french so I hope my english will be enough to be understood ahah)
I’m starting my I don’t even count anymore attempt to get sober from alcohol.
I use different drugs since I’m 14, but my first addiction was food, sugar to be exact. My issues with overeating sugar and my overweight magicaly diseppear when I started to smoke weed, drink alcohol and do few hard drugs. During my several attempts to quit drinking (my last addiction), I faced anorexia again. I’ve started to restricting food few years ago during depressive episodes, and it gets really hard during the 2 first weeks of sobriety. The only thing in my mind is how much pounds I can loose without the sugar and kcl of the alcohol. I’m afraid to eat, my brain never stops to calculate if I “have the right” to take a meal. Did I had enough physical activity to allow myself to eat ? Is my plate healthy and light enough ? I’m afraid of eating outside, of certain type of food like pasta. I get really anxious when it’s time to take a lunch, I try to eat the latest possible to avoid the bad feeling I get after eating… I feel really good and powerful if I ever succed to skip a meal…
Anyway it all comes back and hit me like a fck truck… Is anyone else here had to manage ED returns “because” of sobriety ? How did you guys manage the combined stress of getting sober and fighting ED ?
Thanks to have read


Welcome Alexia :wave:t2: :innocent:

I don’t struggle with ED myself but there are members here who do, and who have other addictions as well, like you describe here.

@Its_me_Stella has a thread about it - you might find some helpful stuff there:

Welcome! You can do it. One step at a time, one day at a time.


Oh, you are definitely not alone here.

I am actually feeling a little bit defeated again if I am being honest. I came to some realizations today that I suppose are helpful in the long run but sort of make me feel… I am not sure what I feel other than a bit defeated.

The only advice I have is to try to be compassionate with yourself. In my situation as soon as I tried to control anything my symptoms completely flared up. I have no magic solution just some company as I am walking beside you on this journey, one step at a time. :heart:


Thanks for those words :heartpulse:
We’re gonna make it, there is no other way than recovery


Thanks for that !


I don’t like to say I have an eating disorder, as I don’t think my behaviour is extreme enough for that. But my eating is definitely disordered, I used to binge drink and eat, use the hangover to help me purge and starve. Now I don’t have hangovers I just binge and weight increases. I definitely see the same behaviours in drinking and disordered eating - obsession, hiding, guilt. It is tiring.
My eating behaviour is definitely at it’s best when I care for myself and want to protect and nourish myself. And when I focus on other things in my life, not just food.

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