Email Digest Enabled

I recently increased our forum’s email capacity by signing up for a larger monthly account from the email provider. This means Talking Sober can now send a lot more emails!

Typically you get email notifications for things like signing up, private messages and so on. I’ve now enabled email digest so users who haven’t visited in a while will get a summary of “hot” topics that they are missing out on. I think this is a great idea and will help keep people involved and engaged in the sober lifestyle. Hopefully we can pull back some people who have maybe strayed or relapsed.

P.S. You can change which emails you get under your profile preferences.


Hello Robin. I missed this post however; I am receiving the email updates. I really find Talking Sober/Sober Talk a great and well managed Sobriety based forum with a lot of flexibility and diversity.
I appreciate this addition to your app as I am taking a class and am very involved with new commitments. I like feeling connected during these chunks of time I can’t be as involved as before.
Thank you again Robin for caring so much.
It does make a difference :slightly_smiling_face:

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