EMMETT Therapy Technique Emotional Release


Hi everyone. So i had some EMMETT Therapy yesterday and it was a very interesting experience. Mostly relaxing. She at one point pressed into a particular point in the middle of my back and I felt this rush of emotion build up so fast I couldn’t catch it and I just started crying! She allowed me to just cry and let it out. She said that sometimes our mental tensions are linked directly to a physical point on our bodies and releasing it will release a mental pressure.

I feel a little lighter today but I’m still a little sceptical. I’m wondering if I just happened to feel really comfortable at that point in time and decided it was time to cry?! Anyways Im going back next week for further treatments and I was also moving alot easier and loser in my limbs.

Might be worth some of you trying EMMETT but id suggest doing it when you’re maybe 1 or more weeks sober (or more) and are ready to start healing and dealing with things that may arise.


@Galen_82 Well done on 2 weeks, congratulations!

I have not heard about this therapy, is it a treatment for substance abuse or anxiety/depression?

Encouragements and blessings from Australia :kangaroo: :koala:xo

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Google says:

What is Emmett therapy used for?

It is based on the belief that light touch (some can be a deep pressure) can trigger a relaxation response in the soft tissues of the body, and that the therapist may thereby help relieve feelings of tension. Many people find they feel more at ease within their body and their emotional well being is enhanced.

Not specifically for any condition its just for relaxing the body. It works on your nervous system aswell.


A huge congrats on your 2 weeks!

Thank you for sharing EMMETT therapy and your story with us. I had not heard of this before and am very interested in learning more.

Grateful that you are giving it a honest try - hope you see many positive results.

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