Emotional, feeling alone…

Sick of being scolded for everything. Needing to leave but unsure how I will survive. Emotionally exhausted and tired of being stuck. My husband is 11 years older than me and I feel super stuck in my marriage. He is poly and has a whole other family besides the one he made with me. I thought I’d be ok with sharing. I have come to realize over the last few years that I am not ok with it but I don’t know how to just end it. There’s a lot tied into this including children and his disability. I’m carrying the weight of everything and everyone. Can’t get to a local support group because he just wouldn’t understand. I feel isolated and alone. I feel judged by friends and family. Ready to just loose it all and run away. Trying not to relapse because of it. Glad I found this support form because at least I can express things and find some comfort. Just feeling like no matter what I do or where I turn it’s never good enough.


I’m sorry you’re in a such difficult spot. What I will say is that you only get 1 life to live, so live it for you… not someone else. It’s none of our business what others think about us. :people_hugging: to you.


Although your situation and what you’re going through is exactly unique to you, there are many ( Here on the site and out in the greater world) who have felt similar feelings that you feel.
There is support for you here. Also it might be if you called 988 if you are in the United States or some similar number in the country that you are in if available that they may be able to help direct you to resources for emotional help and other types of help and resources should you want to leave.
Thinking about you and hoping for the best for you.


I sense that this is the start of a significant journey in which you’re going to demonstrate to yourself that you’re a person of value.

One step at a time. From getting into a support group, to going out on your own, to building new relationships, to developing personal boundaries, so that you finally understand that you have worth.

I’m so glad you’re here. This is a good community. I found lots of healing here. May you find it as well. One day at a time.

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