Ending day 3

Daily check in. Today was good, I nearly slipped up when going to coles (supermarket) just one it can be light etc etc but instead bought non alc wine and itโ€™s helped curb it.
Feeling good heading to bed, young one had a mini melt down and I found I was able to remain calm better.
Exercise just went for a walk and light movement.
Mentally Iโ€™m starting to feel better, not always but itโ€™s an improvement


Congrats on making it through the first 3 days!

Join us here in the daily check-in thread :slightly_smiling_face::point_down:

Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

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Thank you for the link, interesting read!

How exciting I thought this was just your thread and didnโ€™t know we could all add to it