Enneagram ? What are you?

I know we’ve done threads for numerology and Myers Briggs. I just did my full Enneagram and I am a 7 Wing 8. It’s always fascinating to me how on-point these things are.

Just saying: Sevens are defined by their desire to experience everything good and pleasurable that the world has to offer, while avoiding pain, boredom, and limitations. Although Sevens appear enthusiastic and fun-loving, deep down, they have a fear of getting stuck in negative emotions. Thus, they tend to disconnect from their deeper feelings, instead focusing on their imagination and zest for life to keep them moving forward and gathering new, pleasurable experiences.


I’ve always wanted to do this. Did you go to any specific website?

I used Truity.com I paid for the full report, though you can get the brief report and your numbers and Google what they mean.

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I’m a 4 with 5 wing. I’ve made everyone close to me find their number. It has been helpful, like knowing your love language. Thanks for asking this. My go to book is “The Ennegram Workbook - How to understand yourself and others”. :slightly_smiling_face::+1::heart:

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Nice. I am going to look for that.

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This is what I got without getting the whole report


Do you feel like that’s accurate?


The little bit it let me read. I feel it’s very accurate. I hate being wrong :joy: and I 100% need things in order


I’m a Two wing One. It fits. I’ll be reading this in depth, very interesting stuff. Thanks, Jené!

Twos are The Giver (figures! Codependent, much? JK!)

Twos seek to love and help the people around them. They intuitively perceive when others need their support and they offer it unconditionally. Skilled at seeing the good in people, Twos will praise others warmly, being always ready with a kind word and a listening ear. They have a knack for making others feel like the most important person in the world.

A One wing brings idealism and a sense of purpose to the Two personality type. Where Twos can get prideful about their desire to serve people, Ones take a more practical and emotionally contained approach. A Two with a One wing still wants to help others, but they will be willing to do the thankless jobs in pursuit of service and will be less bothered by the absence of any praise or gratitude.

Developing a One wing for Twos can also help the Two impose clearer boundaries. Twos with a One wing tend to be prudent and discreet, and are often content to work in the background in pursuit of their mission. They are less likely to impose their support on others or believe that they know best, and are more likely to question their own underlying motives as they execute their helpfulness. This can help Twos notice when their caregiving may seem intrusive or controlling to others.


This part right here is spot on, but also hints at where I can end up not trusting my own judgment or doubting myself when others challenge me. I am really grateful that I find a balance in helping but not being overbearing. This is why I’ve been considering being a coach or mentor of some sort. I used to be a kick ass manager and felt like I was really good at supporting people and helping them grow. Good for thought, lots to read!!!


And then there’s this:
“Despite their concern for others, Twos struggle to recognize their own needs and they do not like to ask for help.”

Yup. Like, I have a drinking problem but ask for help?! No way, man. Glad I worked through that to some degree…

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Thank you for sharing this @EarnIt …very interesting and pretty accurate! :blush:

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Here’s a different site:

This one still has me strongly a 7, but with a wing 4. I think this more accurately reflects who I am and a wing 8 reflects who I try to be. It’s so very interesting.


Ooo gonna try this!

The description of the arrows was super interesting to me because of the origin and the moving toward ideas. Helped me to solidify some areas for growth for me, for sure.
Meant to add that I’ll try the other test, too, to compare.

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Im a Type 4. Very much accurate. I’ve been feeling like something was missing since I was 15. And I definitely do compare myself to others.

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I’m a seven! Wing 6 most likely. Though i do have some eight and two tendencies :slight_smile:

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