Entering #2... let's keep myself accountable... please read description

Hi guys.

So as touch and negative as this request is, I would love to hear some of your “worst” stories will drinking alcohol, reason behind this? I know tonight I’m going to be battling myself and convincing myself to just go buy wine, hearing some of your stories may help with that battle! Knowing what could be coming my way health, physical and mental health could help me stay away, one day at a time :pray:t3: :heart:


This is a good thread


Interesting strategy you got there. That definitely would not have worked for me but I hope it does for you. When I heard others’ war stories, I would think…“that won’t happen to me” until it did. What did work for me was getting my ass in a chair at a meeting. Saturday evenings were my biggest challenge and every Saturday, no matter what, I was at a meeting, sharing my concerns. I knew for that hour, I would not pick up and because I shared, those ladies took me to dinner and kept in contact afterwards to make sure I went to bed sober. The in person support is like no other.
Wishing you the best! Remember…TS is available 24/7. That’s the beauty of this forum being worldwide, someone is always around.


I’ve had multiple consequences that I dont want to experience again. I like to wake up in the morning and feel good and be productive. I remind myself of this when a craving hits.

Have you tried meetings? I live in a rural area and find the on-line meetings at In the Room to be extremely helpful, listening to people stand up and speak on video. This app is great too. There’s also SMART Recovery.

Whoa…When I first read the title of this I thought it said you were holding yourself accountable for doing a #2…I guess that shows where my mind is. It could be a shitty situation for sure!

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