Everyday Carry (EDC) items

Is anyone else here into the idea of EDC (everyday carry)?

It’s basically all the items/gear you have with you (in pocket or pack) when you leave your home. Simple as that. Here’s mine:

I’m pretty high anxiety so EDC gives me a certain peace of mind. It’s taught me that even though I can’t control all the things that occur in life, I can at least be equipped to handle them. It’s helped bring more discipline and organization to my daily routine. It also gives me joy to be able to help my buddies with little tasks here and there that they don’t have tools for.

So what’s all the stuff you carry? Do you carry a lot of just-in-case stuff like me? Or are you more minimalist? It’s different for everyone! I like to think you can get a sense of what someone is like by what they have on them (for example I’m a utilitarian, nerdy IT technician). :slight_smile:


Credit card, phone, keys, band aid, paper towels, hand desinfection, water, and a snack preferably a sweet one, and a string or a straw.

My 10 y/o has autism/Tourettes so he needs a string or a straw to wave around with for one if his tics.
If he doesn’t get it he gets really anxious so I always carry one.

Also both boys are very active (the other one has adhd) so the EDC is if someone gets hurt. Sweets helps the bloodsugar in case of a minor shock, like the illness you can get if you for example get a scrub. And the rest of the items is to be prepared to care for someone if they get hurt in any way.


That’s very sweet that most of your items revolve around caring for your children. Mom of the year :relaxed:


sorry to interrupt but I can’t believe you dug up my, it’s not a competition thread, between your life and mine I think we both turned out OK with no long lasting damage :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Apart from my phone the only thing I take with me everywhere is a 24 hour AA coin to remind me its just for today and a guitar pick bc you never know. :grin:


Haha the classic just-in-case guitar pick :grin:. I have one in my wallet too :laughing: it’s a purple .60


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:pleading_face: Be you angels?

  • phone

  • concealed wallet (designated cash that stays there for if/when I get mugged + ID in case I die today since I’m a donor, as well as debit card because I’m better if I avoid credit cards altogether, as well as the CCW license, lawyers business card, medical insurance information)

  • keys (car, gun safe, security system dongle, Miller Park keychain with some ‘authentic dirt’)

  • Concealed Springfield XDS .45 + Concealed 2 Mags

  • Columbia River Camping Knife clipped on right jeans pocket.

  • Coffee thermos that I got for standing up in a wedding while sober, as opposed to the flask, is likely in my left hand or very close to it. Filled with black coffee

  • Wounded Warrior Project bracelet on my left wrist that reads ‘SERVICE’


Very nice! :grinning:


Narcan should be added to everyone’s list


I think we might have :blush:
And that’s an awesome thread it should get way more attention.

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Not Mom of the year, just a normal mom. I just switched the Nursery bag for a designer hand bag when the kids got bigger.

And if we’re going somewhere that’s out of town like the store or to a shopping mall there’s always extra pair of clothes packed. My husband thinks it’s unnecessary but 9/10 times all my packing/preparation is needed :blush:


Oh my, that’s impressive. And very lightweight packing :blush:


TBH it was one of them getting it off my chest moments like your one, it’s good just to let it out sometimes don’t you think.

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Jinx, where do you live?
A packing like that would get you straight to jail here, it sounds just incredible to me.

Good things to have thought,I love the coffee thermos.


I’m not sure about that yet.
I’ll wait and see. :blush:
But for myself I know I had to do something to get it out of my head otherwise it would probably have pushed me into drinking again.

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Just remember, Your past has only got you this far, it has no place in your future.


Thank you for the reminder, unfortunately I’m afraid that it’s not as easy as it sounds. But I’m working on it :cherry_blossom::blush::heart:

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Wallet, phone, keys, epi-pen, bottle of water, cbd oil, and a concealed knife for protection. Have a gun but need to get a concealed weapon permit.