Ex-Pill Poppers? Let's discuss

It’s super lonely sometimes when not many people you’ve met or have spoken with have been an addict like you. They never will understand anything about what you go through on a daily. I see a lot of people on here who have had a drinking problem. Every addiction is similar; we have an addiction for one reason usually. To not feel. But benzo users go through completely different struggles and i find it hard to relate with people…Hope I can find some ex pill poppers cuz you’ll understand me.
-Sober day 112


Hi I’m on recovery from a herion and benzo addiction so I totally understand your struggles.but it does BC easier today it’s all about living clean my obsession for drugs have gone


I understand @Miichelexoxo I was strung out many years on opiates and pretty much everything else you can name. Now I’m not, due to the miracles of the program of AA/NA and working the 12 step program with my sponsor. I just celebrated 3 years of continuous sobriety in my recovery. Congratulations on 112 days. I know it’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life, but I promise you it is worth it. Patience and time my friend. One day at a time, one hour at a time, even one breath at a time is what it takes. Proud of you reaching out and staying connected. Just know that you are not alone. :heart:


:pray: Thats amazing. Thank you for reaching out. We got this!!


I almost cried in the break room of my job! Thank you so much. Its does take time and thank you for your support. People like you make me think its 100% possible to live a successful sober life. I am proud of you!!! And can’t wait to say im 3 years sober :smile::pray:


Only struggle different is the detox usually
and everything else is the same. Life style of the drug abuse can be different as well. we all have different lows we went through to get high or drunk. When i first got clean i felt the same way but after detox its easier to relate to any addict as the rest of recovery is the same and we all have the same end goal. To be a better version of ourselves.


that is true :pray:

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Bro, benzos are so horrible to come off of! I was eating a box of vals a day and 20-30 zans.

I then had a drug psychosis and ran off for 5 hours (as I had a cocktail of other things)

Cannot remember an absolute thing, but it scared the absolute hell out of me.

Coming off them, as I was a long time user, 2 weeks pumped me, so emotional, anxiety, felt like ending it all.

But since staying away from them I have not felt like any more since.

They were giving me sleep paralysis and all.

Stay strong my friend, nut it out for 2 weeks block your suppliers, get a new number.

You got this!


I used to be prescribed clonazepam for generalized anxiety disorder, but of course I became extremely addicted to them. I spent a good year conniving and doctor shopping my way into getting xanax, which is the holy grail of benzos as I’m sure you know. There are big empty spaces in my memory because of that, among other things.

And I’m sure there are plenty of others here who understand the struggle with benzo addiction too, of course.


Thank you so much for expressing your struggles. I hope you are doing better now a days! Wishing you the best my friend

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Thank you…that is true. An addict is an addict and we all struggle the same way. I hope things are better for you now xo I’m doing better these days :relieved:


I literally related to everything you wrote…its crazy. Down to the sleep paralysis!!! I used to struggle with that so much. Now I sleep like a baby. 165 days sober! Thank you for comforting me and I wish you the best as well!


I just wanted you to know that I understand that particular struggle. :blush: Sorry if I said too much.

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I appreciate you, it’s never too much!! Thank you again!

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Amazing to hear😌
You might always have to but that’s okay! We all have to in some way but I believe you can over come anything! I do also feel the urges, maybe that feelings will always come along too…we never know! But we have done great!!

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Sleep paralysis is the most scary crazy thing I have ever been through

I’ve had so many people tell me that they have it coming off the benzos!

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That is really wild! I want to eventually become a drug counselor to help others and I love learning new things about what a drug can cause…its amazing.