You are such a nice person! I would’ve gone out to grab a burger for myself, just to make a point))
I thought of it.
The truth is I had no intention on making dinner…but my daughter “needed” my “help” to make cupcakes for school (read: wanted mommy to make). Once I was in the kitchen I figured I might as well turn on the pot of water for pasta. I brought it all on myself.
A few great takeaways on this thread for me…
As @Englishd said, who hasn’t acted the fool, overstayed their welcome or been insensitive when drunk? Not excusing your guests behavior, but we are all just humans with our own stuff to deal with.
Next year is a long ass way away. No need to worry about it now. Frankly, if it was me, as time gets closer, I woukd just tell them no to staying with you, but you will see them at the festival. It is okay to change plans. But again, no need to stress over something so far off.
Expectations…I struggled with this for so long. I still do sometimes. We get let down when we expect an outcome or something that doesn’t materialize.
This thread has been helpful for me. Thanks all!