Extra prayers for me n my kids plz!

So I’m in recovery. Almost 16 months. Yay!!! And I’m done for sure with meth which upsets my husband but I’m so proud of myself!!! When I was on dope I was clingy and dependent on him and very much a little bitch basically. Idk y that shit did that to me, shit for the first year of coming off of it I still was weak n emotional. Now I’m not. I have a clearer head now and I’m alot stronger…Now I can tell bull shit from the truth. My husband don’t like that either cuz he’s still a tweaker and tryna bull shit me n I call him on it. He gets mad. I have had money come up missing, stuff come up missing and I can’t stand to be around him cuz he’s right about everything and I’m wrong and stupid. He’s like dealing with a monster honestly. He recently either sold food stamps or bought food for someone else and took food out of my kids’ mouth. I’m pissed. He took credit cards out in my kids’ name and maxed them out then didn’t pay on them for 6 months now. I still don’t know what to do about that. He recently got mad at me rushed me thinking I would flinch but I stood my ground and looked him square in the eye and said do it, I’m used to it. I went to my room not long after that and sat on my bed, he came in and told me to get out of his room. Told him it’s my room too. So he said we’ll see about that and called the cops on me!! I could have told the cops he’s tweaking and that he has an AR-15 in the house but I didn’t. He straight tried to get me in trouble and it didn’t work. I’m to the point of not knowing what to do. A few weeks ago he got drunk and went after my son so me and my 2 other kids tried to keep him off my 17 year old son. Which now at our argument yesterday he told me that me and the 3 kids are pissing him off hig time but mainly me. The cops r no help he puts on his charm everytime they were called in the past. The kicker is I found out that he tried to have me committed when I was in active addiction. But my daughter wouldn’t turn the papers in. How sick is this guy? He hasn’t been the same since jail. He was in there for 2 years on domestic assault. Everything is mine and me with him and that’s not how family is. I can’t stand him or stand to be around him. All this is driving me nuts. My mental health is deteriorating and my anger is building. There isn’t much I can do but pray for a divine intervention. He’s sick and doesn’t care. Even when he’s not hopped up he’s still like this. So I’m plz asking that you all pray for me and my family please.

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Have you considered leaving him?


Definitely gtfo of there. Leave him to his demons and don’t let it take you down.
Stay safe. You and your kids deserve a healthy, safe life.


My husband was mentally abusive and I took it for 10 years. I finally had enough and left him last November. He found a mental rehab in Florida and went for 30 days. I decided since he went and did all of this work with therapy, brain shock therapy and went on meds that I would give him a second chance. Things are so much better and healthier between us. Through all of this I started drinking my feelings and started drinking everyday. So now it is time to work on myself. All I can say to you is… you will know when you reach your limit with him and you will leave. You are so much stronger than you think and you can do life without him. You do not deserve this kind of treatment and your kids definitely don’t either. I will be praying for you and your kids. I will pray he comes to his senses. But most of all I will pray for strength and peace for you :pray:t3:


I did try last year. I mainly left him to get off the dope cuz he’s the only person I ever got it from. He made my life hell when I was gone. He stalked me, threatened me, called me a million times to either cuss me out n tell me what a piece of shit I was. He even took my kids out of state for two weeks naf told them not to talk to me. I had a nervous breakdown cuz my kids actually listened to him :sob: but now I’m back. I filed for divorce and a restraining order and he went off the deep end. Like he still has a grudge even though he told me he forgave me and wanted to work things out so I believed him. Dropped the restraining order and the divorce and two months after that he’s back to him same ol shit. I was happy but missed being around my kids they were in the same town but not under the same roof. He is evil. Should have known better, but I thought that me leaving might wake him up and get his shit together but it didn’t it’s like he is using me for something and he is punishing me daily. I can’t get rid of him and he has everything in his name so I don’t have access to anything. The house my aunt gave me to live in temporarily while finding a house that was almost two years ago. He spends all his money and didn’t even pay the electric bill and says that he knows my aunt won’t shut him off so he’s not too worried about paying her. I mean that’s pretty shitty I think. The house is a one bedroom with 5 ppl in it! He’s happy here. I tried to do it the legal way and he called me a snitch. I honestly don’t know what to do. He tells me no one else has a problem with him being on meth but me. And I tell him his tweaker friends don’t count! My kids notice it and two weeks ago he kicked me out but I wouldn’t leave this time so he could go around town telling ppl I abandoned him and our kids again cuz he got major sympathy from ppl with that. Just so frustrated and sickened by what he has become. And it’s not that easy to just up n leave this guy. He hunted me down last time found me and everything. He is a full blown psychopath. :frowning:

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in my opinion, there is no other way…only to leave him

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I am a recovering meth head, 27 years clean, and a recovering domestic violence survivor, 14 years completely free. It took me many attempts to finally walk away for good and get divorced. I thought I still loved him or that I could save him or that he had changed. You know the drill. As far as I know he is still using so he never changed and I didn’t save him. I still care about him but I am no longer in love with him.

You may think you have no avenues without him and it might look that way for now but believe me, you can get free of that danger for not only you but your children. There are resources and people to help you. Here are a few. Please help yourself not become a statistic.
