F...d up big time

Had a mickey, hate myself now…am I slave to alcohol?

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Yes I will start again… I do it for the same reasons as yourself… Boredom… I ll win this game


Yeah find that trigger or feeling that makes you want to drink and prepare yourself for it while you have a strong mind and your willpower is high. Decide beforehand how you handle that situation and then just stick to it. You have the power to stop you control your hands that bring it to your mouth. No one is forcing you just decide enough is enough. You have to get mad and have a strong reason why you want to quit. For me it was all the damage i was doing to my friendships and relationships. My loss of reputation in the eyes of people I respected and that lack of control I had on my life. All that changes when you decide to just keep it out of you.


Relaps are not a failure. You are Worth the life you is granted. Live and let go @Bobby work the steps you got this :clap::clap::ok_hand:


I read something pretty cool today which is now my screensaver so i look at it every time and remind myself that I can do this…

Free yourself from your past mistakes, by forgiving yourself for what you have done or went through. EVERYDAY is another chance to start over… You can do this as long as you believe in yourself…

Dont hate yourself, Im working on that same thing