F me gently with a chainsaw

Good for you for staying in course even in the face of adversity.
Good for you for reaching out and giving you some tools and boundaries to make yourself better.
A lot of days it will only be about tolerance.
Tolerance about the foggy brain, the bad moods, and all that which are at the end of the day better than wasting a life being drunk.
Sometime it’s juste about pushing it to the next day, one day at a time.
At some point the « feeling good » stretches are longer than the « feeling shit » days. Alcool would only do the opposite anyways.

Good for you for choosing yourself over addiction.
I’m happy for you.


Hey @Amy30 I’m really happy to read this! You are doing it girl, stick with it!

In the first year of my recovery I learnt a lesson that was so big it’s one of the fundamental things I fall back on when shit gets shitty these days, cos ofc it still does, and that is accepting what is. I wrote the following messages on my mirror and it helped remind me of letting my journey and my feelings be, that there is no force or law they should align with anyone else’s or my expectations of how things should be:

Progress not perfection.


You are exactly where you are supposed to be.

I don’t believe in predestination one bit. It is supposed to mean that how you feel fits with your life, what has come before, the exact way you have metabolised it in your psyche and your soul, and the person and character that you are. Things make sense. Therefore, engage with your self, learn about your feelings and states, and be with yourself. Accept where you are.

I didn’t train the first six months of recovery on purpose cos I didn’t want endorphins from working out being mixed up in the progress of recovery, lest I should have an injury and not be able to train and then endanger my sobriety. Then I went back to weightlifting and happily still doing that. You have time. Now is now, so see what there is now, for you. Your journey is yours. :purple_heart:


Oh Amy, thank you for checking back in. Congrats on freedom from alcohol. You are working your recovery beautifully! And to all of the responses, so true and spot on. We can’t do this alone. Community support and understanding is such a gift.



I used to feel disappointed that I never experienced a pink cloud. But now I realize that it saved me from crashing when that cloud inevitably bursts. Like the tortoise “slow and steady wins the race”!!


Thanks everyone, your kind words have been uplifting me today.

While I’m only 25 days in, this feels somehow different. I’ve even started making better decisions to protect my sobriety, like not going to a family dinner on Friday. Thing is, last time I’ve attended one of those sober I was probably a preteen and I’m way too early in my sobriety to put myself through the trauma. So I’m not going. At first, I spent about 10 minutes thinking of ways to make it work. When I mentioned it to my better half, his reply was, “Is it this Friday? Isn’t that when you’re getting a sudden onset of flu?” Made me laugh, but got me thinking… I’m probably not gonna pretend to be sick haha, but I’m firm in my decision to stay home.

PAWS are absolute hell on a stick this time around, I’m not going through all this unpleasantness only to relapse over stupid family drama and have to eventually start over again. If my liver doesn’t give in in the process…

So that was my rant. I’m off to do my nightly zen of finding a new book to read and getting nice and warm in my pjs.


Omg, I just read your updates! I have like 2 minutes b4 my tele therapy starts…just want to say hell yeah, go you!!! Love that you are working it again. And yes, early days suck.big.time. :purple_heart::muscle::sparkles:


Thanks Sassy! It’s so good to be back on the sobriety train. Early days are hell, but still more fun that hangovers!


You got that right!!!