Face any scenario

Hi All,

Hope your keeping well and staying on the righteous path, I wanted to create a discussion around the coping methods others are using to face the inevitable lows life throws at us during recovery.

I’m currently on a downspell and have increased my fitness programme and diet significantly to try and recover mentally. In the UK we are coming to the end of the summer, notoriously a difficult season to overcome and I am weeks away from 2 years clean. The reality of sobriety can be lonely, boring and motonous, in tough times it’s hard to see a way out, I would like to know what others have done to overcome the dark times and what the rewards were on the other side?’



Hey Jack - great topic. Super impressed with your about to be 2 years!

For me i’m at a little over 8 months and i find the following helpful:

  • meditation
  • exercise - speed walking, shadow boxing, etc to really get some good air in my lungs and aggression out
  • prayer (weather to sit down and pray or do a walking mindful prayer)
  • body scanning - laying down and starting with my toes and going up to my head slowly tensing up the muscles and holding in the breath and then releasing it (this may put you to sleep from relaxation)
  • watching a lot of stand up comedy (sometimes i rewatch old ones cause i know 100% that they will crack me up).

All of these lighten my heart and keep me from going into the dark place. I have now also added being active on this site to the list as this community is magical.


Hey Jazzy,

Very good advice, I love the fact that you have implemented discipline and learnt new mechanisms to recover.

Best of luck with your sobriety, 8 months is a fantastic achievement.



As long as I can when I’m going into a depression, I keep up w healthy habits. Hygiene, eating well, exercising, journalling, I force myself to do what is good for me as long as possible. When it gets too dark, I try to execute mental de-escalation, relativising and kindness. Like: you’ve been here before, it’s not forever. Most of the time you’re ok, you’ve come a good way. And try not to give myself shit.

What is going on that is hard rn? I never believe anyone is really bored. Do you feel distant from life? What are your dreams? Are they worth dreaming about, maybe even planning for?

Stay strong man, we all have our personal crosses to bear. :people_hugging:


Hey @JSteele382

Firstly, well done on almost 2 years, that is inspiring… I am currently 33 days alcohol-free lol!
I am in Australia, but I lived in the UK for over 5 years, mainly in Herts close to Middlesex.

Secondly, awesome topic idea :slight_smile: I am still trying to implement more positive habits to control MH issues that lead to substance abuse in the first place. I have increased my exercise levels (which had been basically nothing for several years, completely neglecting myself and my health) and try to walk 60 - 90 mins per day. I am also trying to be more mindful of nutrition and getting enough sleep. I am still new at this, so I am very keen to see what comes up from your post re coping mechanisms.

Congratulations again, blessings from Oz x

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Went to AA got plenty of friends to talk to and socialize with never feel lonely , have a great life today sober no more fear or fighting my demons 12 step program helped with that

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