Facebook NA

I don’t even check mine now (Facebook).
I truly have a safe place.
Actually nice to come in and curl up with a tea…knowing I can come and go as I please. Knowing someone gets me. Knowing my opinions, perspectives and ideas will be respected. Knowing I am able to just be me. The good, the bad, the ugly parts.
I truly appreciate you all. The good healthy attachments. Knowing that here there is a door that’s never locked but always open.

My behavior/habits are changing slowly.


I had my son delete my Facebook when I was in rehab. People were so mean and I realized I need to make living breathing friends instead of make believe ones. LOL


This ^^^ I resonate

Over a year clean from facebook here, it’s beautiful. Living with minimal social media- this forum and linkedin are it for me!

I think so for me too

I deleted my fb about 6 months ago.
This (sober time) is much better for me too.


I only need TS… This is my 'Sober Media outlet/inlet. :pray::raised_hands::dizzy::person_in_lotus_position: (Oh, and YouTube) :+1::selfie::blush::blue_heart::notes:


Interesting. I have recently cut a lot of people I dont know really well from my FB. I use it, but its different now for sure. I am also happy to not be writing drunken FB posts only to wake up 3am and hurrying to delete them. :joy::joy::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::sunglasses:


This is Facebook, but with nice people…


I love that @Dolse71

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Not a fan of Facebook but i use it to follow bands and their touring schedules, I don’t care for the “hey, here’s a pic of my kid on first day of school” bullshit. I’m trying to figure out an alternative to it as signing up for each mailing list would be a pain.

Right I agree

Check this out. I also used FB to follow distillery pages, I was a whiskey drinker. Never realized I followed more than 50 alcohol related pages. That’s the old version of me but damn, that was pathetic.

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I follow lots of sober people on FB and Instagram. My feeds are very recovery related, which I love. I also have friends and family all over the world, so FB is a great way for me to keep in touch and not worry about time differences.

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