Failed today

Two days sober and today I bought beers again…
Could not control my feet … feeling worst… don’t know why…why do I do this .


We drink because in the absence of a sober set of actions, we can’t not drink.

Resisting drink with no help or plan always failed for me. But once I got help and committed to staying sober, it was much easier.

Tell your feet to take you to an AA meeting next time - that’s a good safe place to be when you want to not drink.


I saw someone say, on another sober app, “Remain vigilant.” This really spoke to me. Remain vigilant and acknowledge that voice in your head as your addiction. It isn’t the part of you that wants to recover. I gave mine a name, and I actually talk to it. I say, “Jack, not today. You won’t ruin my life today.”


Unfortunately no AA in india

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There are AA meetings online thru a free app called Intherooms. They have other various 12 step meetings like NA on there also. If that helps :slight_smile:

  • AA India Helpline

+91 9022771011

GSO India Office +91-8097055134

So you bought the beers, doesn’t mean you have to drink them!


…You do it, because you’re a trying Alcoholic…good on you for trying…

Remember how shitty each and every sip tasted when you have the urge next.

Be well on you journey


As @Ray_M_C_Laren posted, there is AA in India, perhaps not close to you or you are not aware of it. There are online meetings based in India as well, see Browse the Directory of Online Meetings – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous (

AA India homepage is Alcoholics Anonymous India - Get help for your Drinking Problem (

The lengths that you go to in order to get more alcohol, are you willing to go that far and more, to get sober? Getting sober is often not convenient, can be costly financially and emotionally, and it is not glamourous. But it is worth it.


Vigilant is a definite, I got to 3 weeks and was advised the same, it’s like I get high from feeling so good then bam I’ve slipped, stay around on here I’m back to day 2 myself your not alone