Failed weed sobriety, still sober from drugs and alcohol

Was having a panick attack yesterday while signging yet another contract to fix my house. Broke down metally and took a gummie (thc) ive been really good about being 100% sober living from almost everything including soda/sugar. But now i feel like ive wasted all that for a momentary lapse in jugement. Still wont drink or use hard drugs. But i idk how i should go about it. Do i keep my.drugs and alcohol “birthday” or just start over completely


Just because you broke down doesn’t mean you undid all of your work and time.
I think ultimately it’s up to you though.
It’s okay that you’re not perfect.
It’s okay that sobriety isn’t always going to be a cake walk, if ever.
Panic attacks are INSANE.
Give yourself grace and keep moving on in your journey.
And be so proud of yourself! :black_heart:


Hi Aruss,

I was struggling with a cocaine + alcohol addiction that was ruining my life. I have also been a habitual cannabis user throughout most of my life. I have used cannabis on numerous occasions (Holidays/Stressful periods) I did not reset my sober clock, in my opinion if cannabis wasnt the problem initially and your able to use on a ‘one off basis’ then thats cool!

Keep going!


If you’re using weed during “stressful periods” that means you’re reliant on that drug to manage your mood . Sounds like addiction to me.

The more you justify your use the more you open the door to your disease to take over your life.


Hi @Aruss12. I understand you are in a tough spot. Congratulations on your progress. Even if you had this THC, you made some progress on the other substances.
Now I think THC is not a neutral thing. It’s still a mind altering drug (either in the sens of addiction or medicine of the term).
But instead of debating whether you should reset or not, the question to myself would be: why did I keep THC in the home in the first place… That is something I would reflect on. Maybe you kept it as a medicine or, like some of us, you kept it as a “mental safety net”, allowing your self relapse access “just in case”. As if our addiction would tell us : “ok, try this sober thing, but I’ll be there in the corner in case”

Food for thought.


Precisely this, :100:


Panic attacks can be horrifying for sure and im sorry u had to experience that. I can only speak for myself but if i were in ur situation, i would be resetting. For example, alcohol was never my problem (drugs were), but if i was to have a drink, even a sip, i would be resetting bcuz i am an addict through n through. As soon i put any substance into my body, i release that addiction all over again. I need to be 100% clean from ALL mind altering substances in order to recover. If i was to just keep my timers and not reset, its basically giving me permission to continue on with using another substance. Thats a problem waiting to happen. Before u know it, I would be using my DOC again (history has shown me this pattern).

But… even though resetting feels awful, you dont lose all the knowledge and experience that uv gained while being clean and sober. So keep that in my mind :slight_smile: I just know myself too well, to know that i cant have 1 of anything. But ultimately it is up to u on what u do.