
When I was 18, I left the orphanage.
I met my husband when was 20.year old ( I was wounded in the soul).
And now I am 39 years old.
We had a son and then a daughter.
Everything is perfect! (It’s look from out side).

For the first 10. years we drink only on holidays.
And for the last 10 years almost every night.
I only drink beer when child go sleep I watch movies in the evenings.
Or on the terrace on nice summer evenings…

You live with a person who is a stranger to you on an emotional level… When you need intimacy, he will remember to embrace you. This is a humiliation for any woman.
You sleep in the same bed, but you are not together. Everything is only half or nothing at all.
I was young then and everything seemed fine. But at the age of 35, I started to know myself and realized that it is destructive. My drinking was an escape from my loneliness. There was never a conversation (except when he drinks).
Our mentality was different and everything. Today, I have been trying to be clear for more than two years, of course, without the relationship that was. There are falls and self-loathing. You can’t do it in one day - love yourself.
Those were my lessons. Only for quite a while… All the best too your all. I am new here


Hi Swarovski, welcome to TS! :slightly_smiling_face:

It sounds like you’ve had a rough time of things, some of which I can relate to for sure. For many years I drank with my husband in the evening, and we kind of kept each other stuck in the same cycle. I’m almost 9 days sober after a relapse now, and thankfully he’s doing this with me.

Kids are hard work, life is hard. I understand what it’s like when these things jam a wedge between you.

I wish you well with your sobriety, we are here for a chat, and do check in every day to help keep yourself accountable :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you! Thank for share. :pray::innocent:
I wish to continue like this and I will also try with you. :innocent::pray:


Welcome to Talking Sober! :wave: :innocent: You are not alone. Many other people here on TS have been through that, or similar heartbreaking situations. You will find people here who understand :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you :pray::innocent:


And that’s what this community is all about, walking this road together and supporting each other. We are right there with you! One foot in front of the other :slightly_smiling_face:


I never was much of a drinker, but as my marriage fell apart and our house was a battle field I found myself making a pit stop on my way home and found a 32oz beverage I could quickly devour right before I walked in the door would adequately buzz me all night till bed time. It got out of hand and I was hooked, even tho it’s not a big struggle now, it does lead to my other vice so I do try to leave it alone. Welcome to the TS community. :heart_hands:


Thank for share. :pray: Thank you!