Family dynamics

Good morning, I had a really rough day emotionally yesterday,I am home from rehab, after 45 days I came home which I hadn’t seen my family for four years,I am in day 68 of my sobriety, but my emotions are all over the place,from anger,to sadness,I have even cried over some discussions with family, I am usually not this emotional,I guess I didn’t realize how much the using life-style had effected my emotions,I have talked with some sober supports and they said I need to just relax a little and use my head and not let the situations dictate how I respond,so I have been trying but it’s really getting hard to bite my tongue,or just the opposite end get rid of the tears, I see why I haven’t been home in four years.


First off, congrats on your 68 days, that is really fantastic! It is good you leant on your sober support and got some good suggestions. It also sounds like you know that getting it out, having a good cry, can be very healing.

We do have so many emotions in sobriety. All those emotions we repressed by using are bubbling up and wanting out. Part of recovery is learning how to be with our emotions …the ones that feel good and the ones that don’t…and not use at that them or try to escape them. Emotions and feelings come and go. If we let them. I find just breathing thru my emotions super helpful sometimes. My husband says I sound like a freight train or annoyed AF sometimes and he is right. Deep breaths and sighing it out IDK it just feels good to me. Maybe it would to you as well? And journaling has been so helpful for me to write out my emotions…maybe it would be a good gift to yourself. There is a journal function to this app if you like that. I like pen to paper. Whatever works.

Family…challenging, yes. If you can excuse yourself for a walk every now and again, that helps me. I am sorry it is hard for you. You are not alone in finding family dynamics emotion inducing. :heart:

Know that you always have space here to vent or share or read or chat. Someone is always around.

Sending care your way. :people_hugging:


Thank you,and I am learning that to talk to my supports,and practice tools so my emotions stay somewhat in check,and yes talking about something gives it less power,I am learning that to.


Congrats on hopefully 69 days! That’s an awesome achievement and I’m proud of you. Just wanted to say I don’t know what your family dynamic is like but I relate with you a lot on that. I’m with my family too, just moved down with them to get away from a lot of problems and bad memories/people in my old state, and had all my siblings and everyone here visiting for Christmas, it was really difficult for me too. Yesterday was really bad. I hope you figure it out, and I wish you the best. Merry Christmas!!! :heart: Much love.

Yes it is 70 days today, Christmas was okay first one sober in a long time,I enjoyed that,even though we are working on ourselves my family is still the same ,love them. But I love the new me better