Family understanding addiction

I love my mother dearly and don’t want anything negative said about her.
I am intrigued as she has been very supportive. Am 50 days abstinent and she invited me to stay overnight for mothers day. My response was yes if she doesnt drink. ( mum prob drinks half a bottle of wine a night) . She said she ‘didnt know where i was regarding being around alcohol’ and that she could drink in the kitchen if i stayed… Anyway i am not staying. Find it interesting that having told her everything i am learning on my journey that she feels her relationship with alcohol is so different from mine, probably because the quantity consumed is different, thats all, just makes you think . :heart:


Hi Kate, congratulations on 50 days AF! Not sure, but wondering if your request that your mum not drink if you stayed over, is because that might trigger you? Or are you concerned she might be heading in an unhealthy direction?

That’s very strange to care about alcohol so much you have weird rules about it. Just saying lol. Most people don’t give it a second thought…

Sorry, I don’t catch your drift here either! :thinking:

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Oh definitely a trigger but her drink habits have not vary for decades

It is good to understand your triggers then, And do what you need to do to stay sober. What other people choose to do is their business, though, so if your mum still drinks, that’s what she does. Nothing to do with you or the path you have chosen.

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