Feeling a bit hopeless

Exercise and reading are two things I also love to do. If I could read as many books as I buy I’d be a very well read person :rofl:


How are you?

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Hi tailee17,

Thanks for asking.

Well, today is day 9 of sobriety. I’m OK, my appetite is back but sleep is still terrible. Last night decided not to take a sleeping tablet and accordingly had a poor night’s sleep. I just don’t want to keep relying on medication to be able to sleep. My GP has prescribed me Sertraline to hopefully lift me up but it takes 6-8 weeks to kick in. See how that goes. I am also taking 200mg a day of Thiamine.

I have found an AA meeting near me on Sunday mornings, so I am going to go along this Sunday and see what its all about. Can’t hurt.

So really, just taking it one day at a time. I must admit I nearly had a wobble yesterday, but I just kept reminding myself how horrible withdrawal is. The gremlins in my head saying just once, but I know that is never the case and always results in a bender.

How are you?



Well today is a disaster

Would you like to share? I am here to listen.

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Fallen off

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Do you want to hear “Well get back up and get back on”? If not … I hope you can find comfort and peace.

You checking in here is the best course of action…


So drunk a litre of vodka

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And the sad thing I want more

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Im sorry to hear ur struggling right now Mark :frowning: Whats going on? The best thing u can do is to not keep drinking. I know its tough but it will just make things sooo much worse. Is there anything else u can do right now to distract urself?


Well fallen against

Have you looked into going to meetings, recovery centre getting more active on here when I first got sober I spent hours everyday on here , I went to 6-7 meetings a week,got a sponsor and worked the steps, I read sobriety books, l phoned people from AA every day and generally kept myself as busy as possible and stayed away from anywhere that sold alcohol


Of course you want more. It’s a disease.
What happened to that Sunday meeting idea?

Everything @Conor80 says is a great idea.

For right now. All you got to do is show up at that Sunday meeting. You don’t have to do anything else. Just show up. You are not alone. I firmly believe we must find help outside ourselves to beat this disease of alcoholism. Just surrender and get to that meeting Sunday morning.


How are you doing today? Throw out the remaining alcohol (if any left in the house). Sobriety does not have to start first thing in the morning or right before going to bed - it can start at this moment.

I love the advice you have gotten. The cycle is crazy and can be exhausting but it is possible to break free and gain sobriety. Just do not give up on yourself and keep fighting for the better days.

Connection is key - it is easier to know we are not alone in this fight and to know that the fight is winnable. :pray: :hugs: :muscle:


No matter how much you have if you are able to drink more you’ll want it…it’s the devil on your shoulder telling you everything is fine … When it’s not. It lies to you and decieves you into feelings safe…

You are in the right place. Remove all alcohol from your home. It was the way forward for me. Out of sight, out of temptation.


How’s it going Mark.
Did you make it to that Sunday morning AA meeting?


Hey Mark your story really reignated with me. Thanks for showing up here and sharing. How are you doing? Dont beat yourself up about the vodka. It happened. Its over. What can you do now to help yourself get back on track? Thinking of you and sending strength


Mark I’m praying you are okay and find a way through this. Please, please take care of yourself. Maybe since you don’t have employment, checking into a center and getting some professional help is something to check out. You are worth more than that booze my friend. So much more :pray:


Hey Mark I hope today is a much better day Buddy! We all fall sometimes. Got to get back up and get at it again. :bouquet:

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11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Waking up today 2