Feeling down and suicidal

Good, got out of the house and went up to the mountain to go snowboarding. Exactly what I needed


Things are good now, just hit my week sober about 5 minutes ago. And I really have to thank you, you are a complete stranger, in a sense, and everyone, you specifically help me off a ledge and I dont know how to thank you enough… you saved my life, for reals


Will do! 1 week in the books. This has been the longest I havent used in about 15 years, feels refreshing


How have you been though, I havent even got to really ask about you and how you have been

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That’s awesome man!!! You inspire me

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Not a whole lot, just living the dream and reading a lot lately


Hey hey, I’m doing better each day I feel, clear headed still.


Still rocky as I learn to be sober and dealing with my problems instead of smoking weed or picking up a bottle, but slowly getting better. My partner is still here and I just found out yesterday that she is pregnant, so that’s super new. How have you been lately, havent been on here in a day or so

New thing now. My work needs me to pee clean to come back to work, it’s been 2 weeks but I wont be clean from weed for another 2 weeks if not longer. I smoke concentrates and smoked heavily. Any tips on how I can get my pee clean faster. I started working out and drinking mass amounts of water but need to go back to work asap as this is unpaid leave for me. Hope you’re doing well

Yeah, I figured as much, so I am on an intense diet and workout routine to sweat my ass off until I can get clean, already down 10 pounds