Feeling down and suicidal

Yeah, feeling pretty shitty today and fighting with my partner because I am depressed and she wants to leave me and take my son. I want to get so blacked out that I dont wake up… what can I do. I want to stay sober but I feel like I have lost control of my life. I need some encouragement today please.


Hang in there. Stick around for your son. Get sober for yourself. You can do this. Your life will turn around, quicker than you can imagine.


Please call the suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255 immediately, its available 24 hours everyday. Your life is important, please talk to someone who is trained to help ASAP.


Stay sober…stay alive.


Don’t do something permanent for the sake of a temporary feeling. This will pass. You can do this. Take one moment at a time, and choose this moment to live for yourself and your son


Thank you everyone, helped me off a ledge there


Don’t take any drug buddy, is just going to be worst, if you want to cry do it, but if you dissapear think how is going to feel your son in the future, our dad is important and is the first healthy masculine figure that you have in life, no one is gonna be better for that rol other than you, believe me


You’re right…

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Sending you gentle hugs should you want them. I resonate how you are feeling. We are here for you. You aren’t alone.

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I will win this battle, I’m trying my hardest to stay positive but I am down in the dumps because I’m losing everything around me, my whole life… my son, my partner, possibly my career. I actually was just trying to figure out how to change it… I made it on day 1 and only day 5 now…


Deal, I messaged robin in admin on how to do that

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You can’t change what’s done, but you can change your future, one day at a time. I’m at the point where I’m about to lose everything too, but one thing I haven’t lost is my hope, every day is ‘day one’ for me at the moment. All I know is that if we don’t change and stick with recovery now, all that’s going to do is make things even worse and even harder to repair. You’ve got this! Day 5 is incredible! Keep going. I made is to Day 4 earlier this week, and that was my longest sober period since June this year, so you’re already one step ahead of me, be proud and set yourself small, achievable goals, and one or two bigger ones, then work towards them, every day, one day at a time :facepunch:t2:


I had my user name changed recently. Members can’t do it themselves. Only Robin and the Moderators … like @SassyRocks


This is my longest period without booze and weed, I quit everything, for at least the last 10 years. Thank you for that, I needed that, that’s all i have right now is hope… hope that I can make it out of this shit hole I put myself in. I will beat this, I dont have any other choice if i want to be alive and around for my son. My emotions are all over the place this past week


I messaged Robin but no response yet

He’s in South Africa, and I don’t know the time difference. That’s why I included Sassy. She is based in FL, so I know it’s 4:20pm there :+1:

Edit: To avoid duplication, perhaps you could find the PM you sent Robin, and add Sassy (I put @ user name in my earlier post) to that message. That way they both see it and will know which one gets to it first. :kissing_closed_eyes:

Edit: PS: What are you changing it to? ConstantFighter ? :thinking:


I like that actually!!! I’ll message Robin and let him know as well that sassy was messaged.

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I am about to go to my first SMART meeting, it’s a non religious based aa meeting

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Just let me know what name you would like. Glad you are feeling better and going to a meeting.

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I like constantfighter85