Feeling downnn

I’m going through a pretty nasty divorce, and I started using with my now boyfriend while I was separated with my husband. He’s in jail right now because of a charge for possession back in 2015. (He violated probation) and got thirty days in county. I know he’s getting clean in jail. I quit cold turkey and now have 19 days on my sober clock, and was able to get a decent job while he’s been away. When I’m alone though, I get really bad anxiety about the fact that I’m scared he’s going to start using again once he’s out, and I’ll fall back into old habits. What are some coping mechanisms you guys have to make my anxiety about the situation go away?

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I would start with healthy boundaries!!! It will be hard AF to stay clean if you are surrounded by it. You shouldn’t focus on the tomorrow so much but you do need to have a plan. The anxiety is going to be easier to deal with as time goes by. Bug in the meantime I suggest you do everything possible to work on yourself. It takes a lot of work to fight addiction when you only have to worry about your own sobriety. The harder you work on you the faster you will notice the benefits. To fight anxiety…meditation, exercise/walks, clean/chores, and in my opinion find a program!


Yeah I’m just very worried my boyfriend is going to use again when he gets out, but hopefully I’ll be a postive influence on him. I work at a Christian thrift store and I sort through merch and price items all day. The job is VERY fast paced and busy. The people are all positive, and that’s really helped. I’ve already cleaned my entire room though haha. It’s when I’m not at work that I start to really stress and pace around, wanting to use. I’m not sure how to meditate or what to think about when I try.


Thank you :slight_smile: I will try and use those starting tomorrow. Thankfully I’ve got eight hours of work ahead of me in the morning to keep me busy. Thanks again

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