Feeling great about the weekend

First weekend down to the rest of my life journey. I think the more I’m around alcohol and the more I resist the more I’m going to love the new sober me. it’s so refreshing enjoying activities and not waking up the next day feeling like crap or not remembering what happened. So far it’s a really great feeling. :slight_smile:️:hibiscus::blossom: Im very grateful that I have friends and family in my life that do not drink or when they do it’s responsibly. Everyone has been so supportive. Feeling very blessed. :heart:


Keep up the good work

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Thank you! I surely will! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for sharing that; I can truly relate to every word you said. This is my first day here, & when I read inspiring words like yours I have a much better chance of staying sober. Keep it up!

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@James. Remember. Take it one day at a time. Stay focused. Be strong. Stay sober. And return here often for support, motivation, and inspiration.

I loved to drink and got blasted every night for 15 years. But I cherish everyday I am sober. I so much enjoy waking up each morning without the physical and mental pain associated with alcohol withdrawal. Granted, everyday wasn’t easy. But I did it one day at a time. Stay close brorher.


Thank you for the great advice & much needed & appreciated support! I know I have some serious challenges ahead and that’s exactly why I am here. Sobriety for me is only a possibility because of people like you. Thank you brother, I will take your advice.

Welcome James! And I’m so happy I could be part of your inspiration to stay sober! This forum definitely plays a major part in my support system. Even just reading the stories, like you mentioned, is so encouraging so you’ve come to the right place! :slight_smile:

Doesn’t it feel good to say no and walk away? Keep it up

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No one even actually tried to get me to drink but there was plenty available. I’ll admit I did feel a little uneasy for about 2.5 seconds when I saw it being pulled out a bag but then I just reminded myself of the damage of what one sip can do and I was fine after that. The greatest feeling to me was just feeling so aware of everything around me. The conversation, the atmosphere ect. I remember everything. That to me is priceless. I don’t even want to think about how many memories I drank away over the years. I’m just so thankful I still have time to make more.


Thank you for the warm welcome & your genuine conconcern for all of who want to better ourselfs & who face similar daily challenges & struggles! Your post about having time to make memories which you could actually remember truly hit home for me. I would drink to the next day just to forget about how I embarrrsed myself drinking the night before. Anyone of us could do a million great things & throw it all away from one night of drinking. So let’s stay strong & sober together & just do a million great things! Thanks brother!


Well my weekends are different then most im of Monday and Tuesday the first few weekends I was just down and out this weekend ive been stir crazy I feel like getting out and doing something new sad thing is I thought about what I’d normally do which is go to the bar :confused: so instead of having a new adventure in starting at day one to get out I decided to start cleaning out the clutter from my bed room (something ive been way too depressed to do for years) and wouldn’t you know it my bedroom now has a new out look on life as well I got rid of a lot of drinking memories felt good I feel good and slept the best I have in years


Hi @Tiny1 So happy to hear how making a new start has already had such a positive impact on your life, & your ability to have a great nights sleep. I recently joined & have been making positive adjustments in my life as well. I don’t think I will personally achieve long term sobriety without the continued inspiring stories & level of support I get from this wonderful community. So thank you for sharing one of those many inspiring & positive stories.


@James thank you in advance this community is the only fighting sobriety fellowship I have at this point and I’m so inspired daily reading posts of positivity not only that people here seem to just get it . My friends n family are all still drinking and doing their daily norms a few started out on a we won’t drink because you’re not kick but 3days later … Cinco De mayo oh they had a reason to drink I was discouraged as hell I just cut myself off from the world I put my phones ringer on silent to keep from answering calls funny thing is now 55 days strong and my phone never rings now its literally my mp3 player and a kindle but my outlook on life is so much better every day I’m learning me its truely a blessing I can only pray for the same for everyone here including you​:smiley: most importantly welcome to the community :sun_with_face:

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Thank you so much for your prayers! I will pray for you & your family as well. You know, in many aspects sobriety can be even more challenging, or impossible, when others around you are not a positive influence. However, it can also drive you to be even more committed to achieve long term sobriety, for various reasons. I predict eventually your phone will ring, and on the other end will be a friend or family member who has had enough & needs a positive role model to defeat their own demons. I think most of here have learned that you can never, ever, defeat a dependency until you truly desire too. Maybe they just aren’t ready. But by you continuing to be strong & sober speaks volumes & your positive influence will eventually make a difference for some of the people you love & care about, just like it does for people like myself! Don’t feel alone! We’re all in it together.


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I so hope you are right ive been struggling with this for years I really don’t know how I went from despising alcohol to being dependent on it. I guess at the time I just wanted to fit in now all I want is to be different I’m just glad I have all of you to help in my process . this has become my social life I’m still conjuring the courage to tell my story being here giving me more strength and wisdom I ever knew I had. I just hope I can help out others in their journey into sober life for me its a godsend I’m having more challenges with being social then I am staying sober its mindbogglingly

Hi my sober, strong, courageous & trailblazing friend! I am so sorry I didn’t respond to you earlier. I had a busy day at work, then I went to the gym, then I went for a haircut & some manscaping. Then I went food shopping & came home & did laundry, took out the trash, cleaned the house, made phone calls, shower, shave… The reason I mention all of this which may seem irrelevant is because it is very relevant! If I were drinking I would have run straight home & hit the bottle. Instead I accomplished all of this & now I get to reach out to an amazing person who is turning her life around, all by herself! No sober partner by your side. Well, that’s not entirely true, you have this wonderful community & now you have my friendship. We will overcome this! The days of alcohol consuming us are OVER! You are far from socially awkward & you convey your message well! You do help others, you ARE helping me! Don’t be afraid to be yourself. God created us to his, or her liking, so what’s not to love :()


Manscaping lol metro :blush::blush::blush:thats good​:+1:yes its awesome to have sober buddies​:hugs:im so happy you were able to get things done dont worry I knew you’d get with me at some point I had an uneventful day watched netfilx and read a book now I’m at the wonderful world of the post office working the mail​:email::mailbox_with_mail: thanks for the encouragement and keep up the fight from the bottle it feels so much better to be sober I really gotta stop saying its a fight because it not a fight its just a new journey down a road of healthy living I’m glad I convey what I’m trying to get across well and you can understand me​:confetti_ball::tada:we are in it together sober buddy​:sun_with_face:keep up the good work !!!

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Yes, I have to manscape because when I don’t I start to look homeless :scream:i am not really very metro, well perhaps I am compared too most guys my age. I am going to be 50 yrs in August. I even like pop music & artist like Taylor Swift, P!nk & Beyonce lol! I find most guys do, they just don’t tell anyone. I listen to all generes. I love Latin music too, even though I don’t understand what they are saying; but it’s so fun & upbeat. I hope you like the Post Office. I hope you don’t have to deal too much with the general public. I work on elevators. It can be stressful at times. Yes, you express your thoughts well! No my sober buddy, it’s not a fight or a challenge or a struggle, not when we live sober as a team & a family & as friends! But when we go in alone… we would probably not come out on top. Well, got to get to work. Real quick, I live recently moved from NY/PA to AZ. I am married for 17 yrs & we have two boys 13 & 11. My name is James & it’s great to have you on my team. This is my first weekend coming up… I’ll be okay though, I can’t disappoint my family, my sober buddy, or myself. Stay strong & I’m here imfor you, just as you are for me! Ttyl.


Keep pushing sober buddy not a good day for me feeling depressed and sober heading to that dark place😟

I just got home & received this message. I hope you made the right choice & stayed on course to sobriety. And if not. I am still here for you & I always will be. I am sorry to hear about your depression. I suffer from it as well so I can relate, depending on the level of depression you suffer from of course. There is always an underlying cause/s which creates our addictions. In my opinion, it will be nearly impossible for us to maintain sobriety if we fail to identify those underlying issues & address them. Some issues may be easier to tackle then we may think. Some make take years to address; some issues we may never be able to change, correct or improve, but we can change our way of thinking. We can change the way we look at things. Once we change our mindset, everything else follows. For example, I used to be a mega commuter, spending 7 hrs a day in my car, in addition to my job. I told myself, this sucks, but then I looked at it differently; I began to think how fortunate I was to have a union job; I had benefits, a pay check & a place to call home. Please my friend, identify what’s causing your depression, change the things you can, even if it’s going to take time you have to start somewhere. And accept the things you cannot change & move forward. Be the strong, caring, kind & intelligent person God created you to be. Don’t let life get the best of you. Look in the mirror, smile & be proud! Remember, you are helping me more than you know. You have a beautiful purpose! Your sober buddy always, James

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