Feeling motivated this Monday morning to be better to my body

I had a rough weekend. I drank two bottles of wine Saturday night and felt my anxiety levels skyrocket all day yesterday. I felt ashamed, disappointed in myself and scared. I slept awful last night and this morning I was still having high anxiety when I woke up. I don’t know what pushed my but I went out for a walk at 6:30 this morning and then it started raining and I ran. I listened to a calmer you podcast and am so grateful that I pushed myself out the door. I’m done feeling this way about myself. I’m done abusing my body with poison. I’m thankful for starting the week right and getting back up again. I’m thankful for not giving up on myself and I pray that God gives me the strength to not give into alcohol anymore and treat my body as a Temple. I wish you all strength this week and I pray that whenever the addictive thoughts come to you (and me) may we push them away and focus on our body as a sacred and precious place that we should treat with kindness and respect. :heart:


Sorry you had a rough weekend. Did you have anyone to call before you picked up a bottle? Glad you’re back on the wagon. AA has some useful views on using our faith/spirituality to support our sobriety, have you gotten involved with any of their meetings or literature?


Time to turn that motivation to be better to your body into action! Come up with a plan and commit to it. Wow it down if that helps.

I was struck this weekend that I’m finally treating my body like I’ve been aspiring to for YEARS. I would come in and out of phases of intensive exercise and good eating but the thing I could never get on top of and always dragged me down was my drinking. I even used to come up with these stupid little things off getting a calendar and putting star stickers on it for days I didn’t drink, like a child in school.

The only time I have gotten to that mental place is now - I made a decision to commit to sobriety, I started going to meetings, I told people close to me about my intention, I read books and spend a lot of time on this forum.

Now I’m that person that treats their body like a temple, after many years of wondering how those people did it. I’m on day 45 and have no intention of returning to my old ways, though I recognise it’s a daily fight and I’m grateful for every single day of sobriety.


Maybe try a meeting ,you know whats your doing to yourself if you continue drinking wish you well

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For me a healthy body and mind has come slowly in recovery, I would train in kickboxing twice a week, I stopped for 3 months to concentrate on my mental stability through early recovery, I was worried if I did everything at once it would overwhelm me and I’d just hit the bottle again, I’ve now been back working on physical exercise for the last month and feel I can maintain my journey. Not everyone is the same but if your body and mind tell you to slow down, listen to it


Something I did in the beginning before I started a program…i started writing down everything that was happening, what I was feeling when I got urges. Patterns developed. I still, even after doing a program actively, use what I learned from that. Alcoholics well use anything as an excuse to drink.


I was taught to do the same thing throughout my CBT, helps emensly


Thank you all so much for your advice and feedback :pray:t2: I am proud to say that today I am 7 days sober and I went the whole week without a drink. It might seem like nothing to those who have been sober for months and years but to me it’s very significant. I have been walking every morning as well and it’s wonderful waking up feeling clear headed and breathing in the fresh morning air. I have enjoyed those walks immensely and will continue. I’ve been listening to sober podcasts on my walks and they have also helped a TON! Sober soul recovery, Paul Churchill recovery elevator are great ones I’ve been tuning into. I feel so grateful to God for this blessing :two_hearts:


As my first week comes to a close I’m feeling like I need to add some physical activity as well. But I don’t want to do too much right away and burn out. I think walking with podcasts sounds like a great idea.


please try it! It is so relaxing I never thought it could be so therapeutic. What helps me get motivated to go out early is to have your clothes ready when you wake up, have a big cup of coffee and just go. I don’t even wash my face. I just go out and walk talking the cold air into my lungs, it’s magnificent. I walk from 6:30 to 7:30ish it depends then i jump in the shower and go to work. The benefits last the whole day. I used to come home from work and open a bottle but I reflect on the podcasts that I listen to in the morning and I’ll make myself a decaf coffee instead and be ready to do it again the next day. I’m dumbfounded at how much I love walking in the early mornings.


Morning walks are my favourite! I miss starting my day with them. Maybe I’ll join in on this, thanks for reminding me how much I used to get out of morning walks :smiley:

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I’m not sure a morning walk is practical for me right now…it’s pitch black when I get up. But I NEED to get up off my duff and go out during my lunch break. There’s no reason for me to sit at my computer ALL day.

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That’s great! I’m Locked into a gym date at 0600 starting tomorrow and I can’t wait


So I went for a walk at lunch. Not a huge walk. But I put on my Russell Brand podcast and headed out the door. I walked to the store, bought some stocking stuffers, then walked back to work. Probably only 2.5 or 3 kms but it’s more than I’ve done for quite a while. Tomorrow I’ll make it 5 km.


Nice! I’m at 9 days today - double digits I see you!! :eyes: still loving my walks even though I think I need new podcast suggestions…