Feeling proud!

Happy 60 days to me! I am extremely happy to say that not only am I sober, but my husband is out of the hospital and is 16 days sober himself! Proud moment


Congratulations :confetti_ball:!

This is awesome

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That’s awesome! Happy 60 days.

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Congrats on 60 days Joshua!! I’m happy to hear your husband is sober too. Did you wind up moving into your own place? Sounds like there’s hope for your relationship after all. :two_hearts: :hugs:

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Congratulations on your 60 days!! You deserve to be proud!!!

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Wow that’s so cool! Congrats to you and the hubby and full steam ahead!

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Yes I moved while he was in the hospital. It scared him and he is now going to group therapy and AA! He is like a new person and he is putting in the work. I tell him I’m proud of him every day. He is gaining his weight back too. Definitely hope for our marriage.

The apartment is amazing and it is away from all of the bars. Life is good sober!


That’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you both!!

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So happy for you

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Nice one, glad to hear this for the both of you.

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