Feeling stupidly down today

I just need some words of encouragement so I’m reaching out. I think I was last on here in 2018, but joined in 2016. Glad to be back and a lot of the fun topics I enjoyed then are still around. This is such a cool community, I’m pretty stoked to return.

I think the worst days are when I can’t pinpoint what is upsetting/bothering me. One second I’m angry, and then the other I’m depressed. It’s physical too. Like I just feel f’ing bla, ya know?

What is everyone doing today? How are you filling your Saturday?

I did laundry and baked so I’m trying. :sob:


Oh buddy can i relate! There are alot of emotions and its hard to identify what you are feeling. Be kind to yourself. You’re a work in progress.

P.s. those treats look delicious


I’m in work till 10:00. I signed up to work pretty much all weekend. I’m not stoked about it, but we’re pretty short handed. I get those blah days too still. Like I have a good day and then the next day I’m just like what the fuck, is wrong with me. I just attribute it to being tired, and the brain chemicals still balancing out. I know I feel better then I did.
They look good. Raspberry tarts?


Fr, I feel like I should know better tbh. I get and understand why everything comes out in sobriety. All those ick feelings I was supressing because feelings are gross. I was aware but still feel like crap about it. :confused:

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Exactly, because the last several days I have literally felt on top of the world. And now I’m just like, wth is wrong with me. You’re probably right. Damn brain chemicals :smile:

Cheesecake cookes - tarts do sound bomb tho.


Even better. I can actually feel myself getting fatter, just looking at them . :rofl::rofl:


I feel ya. I still have bla days. I know these feelings will pass. Just gotta take it day by day.

Went for a walk this morning, chilled with the kiddos, and just got back from the grocery store. Listening to music right now. I’ll probably watch a movie in a bit.


Cookies look awesome!

I had coffee and read, went for a run, helped a buddy with a car, and now I’m watching The Masters. Gonna read and doze off now and then the rest of the night. A great day!:sunny:

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I think I def need to run even though I don’t feel like it. Get some dopamine.

Simple but solid advice, thank you! This too shall pass :smiling_face_with_tear:


Awe i can absolutely relate. Some days i just cant figure out what the cause is. I had a week like that recently and i couldnt pinpoint what was bothering me. Im glad ur trying to pick urself up tho. Your baking looks delicious! I usually like to name off a few things im grateful for and clean. Cleaning is very therapeutic for me. That and exercise but i dont always have the energy for it when im down in the slumps.

My saturday is going well tho, for the most part. Just finished work and now home to make supper and prepare for company tmrw. Hope ur day improves lady :heart:


Yeah it sometimes feels like the worlds shittiest rollercoaster. There are so many loops that it’s hard to make out what’s up and what’s down.

Since I’ve gotten sober the emotions keep jumping from one extreme to the next.
I hope at least your pastries improved your mood somewhat. :slight_smile:

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I just woke up on Sunday morning and jumped on here for a read, got lunch with a few other ladies in recovery and then taking my new motorbike for a ride :nerd_face:

No idea how long into sobriety you are but if it’s relatively early my emotions were like a cat in a sack trying to get out :grimacing:
Up one day thinking how amazing things were and then down wondering why I even existed.

A few years in and it still happens to me :blush: that’s life but it is with less severity, you can’t know what good feels like without bad… you can’t have flowers and green fields without the rain…
Sometimes there’s a reason sometimes there isn’t but all I know is that I will get through it and so will you :pray:

PS I hope you add the cookie recipe to the food thread they look amazing :star_struck:


Same. When I’m in binges I am not organized/clean whatsoever. Once I’m sober, I have the itch to finely get my shit together. So cleaning is something I dive into.

Lol yes, I love that analogy!! :joy:


Your day so far is seriously goals! I’m still fairly new into it. I have heard it happens less often with more time. I need to just focus on the fact that what I’m feeling won’t last forever, and the promise of a temporary fix will just get me stuck in my ugly cycle again. :confused:


Those look delicious. You are better than you think. Takes a strong person to change. You got this.