Felling proud

So iam 18 hours into my 5th day of been completely free of cocaine and alcohol

Biggest test was today as I was asked by 3 friends to go out and have a few a few meaning 20 btls and 2 or 3 grams of cocaine it took all my strength to say no which dey found surprising as its Thursday and that wudnt be me of a Thursday I call it thirsty Thursday for a reason

Iam now sitting here with my partner and son with a Indian on the way watching toy story 4 I think toy story 4 is way better then going out doing that shit :grin: just really happy with myself that I managed to say no :slightly_smiling_face:


Proud of you, yes sticking with the family and watching your son grow up is what matters most. Work on your sobriety and do this for you and, well honestly I’d probably let those friends know that you’re sticking to this sobriety. There is a good sane that I have very true, you wanna see who your friends are, get sober. You’ll make new friends again, but those old friends will be very triggering, even when you’re further in sobriety. It seems sad, and you’ll mourn them, but you’ll prob see they weren’t really friends just coke and drinking buddies. Good job and keep pushing



Cheers mike
I think I’d have to agree with you if I stick to my guns dry won’t have any interest any more because that’s what dey live for themselves drink and coc. Could not give a shit anyway haha


That’s great Kevin; you’re on the way to living life as it should be! Your son will love having his dad there too…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I loved reading this. Excellent job choosing yourself and choosing your family. That’s how you build quality habits and develop discipline. :+1:t5:


Well done bud. Each little victory like this makes us stronger.
Makes us realise we can be ourselves and do what we want.
Not what others think we should be doing.


Honestly guys this app has a lot to do with it I tink if I wasn’t on here I would have gave in yee really are all a fantastic bunch :+1:


How proud you must be!! Isn’t it great to be there for your family?! Huge steps in the right directions, my friend…keep it up :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

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That’s cool.
I was on here every single day for hours on end at first.
Reading, assimilating everything I read.
Learning as much as I could.



Iam at it myself reading people’s expierances story’s ect its really given me a lift seen it can be done


Congrats Kevin,
That’s a huge step in the right direction. I think you’ll find that you’re much happier, living life in a healthy body. Those are powerful drugs and part of why they’re so dangerous is the fact that they’re everywhere.
I think it’s critical that you tell your friends that you no longer want to drink and use. They need to know that those offers are not welcome anymore.
Do everything you can do to keep drugs and alcohol out of your face. I promise you, it’ll be worth it.


Congrats ! That’s a hard test to pass.
Ive been completely cocaine free for a week and I did a month before that. It took me everything I had and didn’t handle it as well. This time around I give myself more time before meeting friends who use cocaine. We live and we learn. I’m more prepared for the next time ! But I admire your strength. Gives me hope to be able to face social events too :heart::raised_hands:t3: you rock.


that sounds brilliant. really happy for you, kevin. your son will remember these wonderful times with his dad. x

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It’s easier to get cocaine here at the miniute then getting a pint it’s crazy

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Congrats on being sober and welcome! This forum has helped me so much already and I’m sure it will do the same for you.

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This post makes me so happy and proud of u. I spent so many years in addiction and missed so many nights in with my children I regret so much … keep looking at your lovely little family and cherish every moment… Have a beautiful night .