Felt stoned today Not stoned!

Ok so I quit a week ago and today been odd , I threw the rubbish in the recycling and then did something else , so I go back in the kitchen thinking where’s the rubbish! I look everywhere really believing it’s still in the house I have no recollection of taking outside to the point where I have to physically go to the recycling cupboard an look in the bag to see that I did take it out … i still can’t remember taking it out now . I’ve also been wandering into rooms going to do something and then like when I was shitfaced forgot why I went in there .my brains been fine for two days firing on all cylinders and today it felt a jumbled mess and I’m having conversation s with myself like I used to when I was chronically drunk (I’m not happy about this is making me feel like I might need a sanitarium) I put my mums washing in at the launderette that’s attached to her flats and forgot for two hours that I’d put it in then it wasn’t dry and it nearly got locked in ,i mean for fuck sake I’m fucking sober what’s going on ? Advice please ,Anyway about my sobriety that’s still bulletproof (just for today) I’ve just got back from a new meeting tonight and really related to the guy sharing ,he could of been a brother that grew up in my house the amount of similarity s we had . Hope everyone’s well tonight and if not we’ll pull each other through.


For me, in the early days, I have to go back to basics.
Keep things simple.
Don’t be too hard on yourself :people_hugging:
Don’t take on too much or set myself unrealistic goals for the day.
Take it easy and be gentle with yourself :pray:


Thank you @Twizzlers do you think I’m having conversations with myself because there’s too much shit In my head it’s spinning me out

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Allow yourself grace during these early days. For me, the first 30 days was like living in a fog. I couldn’t think clearly at all. But I promise, it will get better. Make your life as simple as possible for now.


I can’t answer that it’s something I do myself :smiling_face:
Maybe talking with someone just to connect and have human interaction if you don’t get much ?
I find when I spend most of my time alone and my mind is overwhelmed I talk to myself alot.
It could be that’s how you process what your doing or what your planning to do or feeling overwhelmed trying to manage too much stuff at once. That’s how it can be for me.


Ok @Lisa07 will do … i isolated for a long time when I was using and spend a lot of time on my own still now .maybe now I’m going to meeting s with people it’ll get better😏


Thanks I just thought what you said so ….here’s hoping :+1:

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I wrote lots of little notes and reminders to myself because I couldn’t remember anything !! Takes a while for the brain circuits to get used to being without the alcohol, but once they do, it’s clear sailing after !!

Now, 40 sober yrs later, I write little notes to myself because at 74 yrs old, my brain is getting worn and tired LOL.


There are several possible causes.

This type of thing happens to me all the time. It happens to me because of my ADHD brain, which has many unique strengths but those do not include remembering times and tasks for mundane things like laundry.

That is just one possible explanation though, it is worth it to speak with your doctor.

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It can be really frustrating when our brains dont function the way wed like them too. It has happened to me alot in recovery and i felt the same way as u did… wondering why im thinking (or not thinking) this way while sober. Id wonder… like shouldnt my brain be functioning better without drugs and alcohol?

For me it came down to just having too much on my mind. Since getting clean and sober ive had TONS on my mind, plus with recovery being hard work, i just didnt always think “right”. What helped me was to try and be present and in the moment. Really focus on each task im doing instead of doing it mindlessly. Slowing down helps me alot bcuz im usually go, go, go and some days I literally forget half the stuff i do lol Also… i STILL talk to myself lol I dont think theres anything wrong with that :slight_smile:

Im glad u had a good meeting :slight_smile: glad u were able to relate to another persons share. That always feels good!

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Bless you @bobslife lol and thank you

Thank you it means a lot to know there’s ways to help it ,I’ll do what you’ve suggested and slow down a bit . The more days I’m getting behind me the more I’m physically wanting to do but I don’t think my poor brains ready yet :disappointed:

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Ever come across a note you couldn’t read your hand writing? Or wonder why you wrote that note to yourself?

Sometimes I scribble knowing what I wrote but after a few days can’t read it and have no idea why I wrote it. :hugs:


Back when I was a drunk, sure there were notes I couldn’t comprehend.

But sober, no, my block print or script acquired in 1950’s Catholic grade school is quite legible.


Corine, I had the fog too and just like @Lisa07 said, I had to cut myself a lot of slack!

Have you seen the “What’s your Plan” post? It’s been super helpful.

You’re doing great. Trust that it will get better and you will feel better too! :orange_heart:


Oooh @M-be-free49 no I haven’t read this yet, I will now thank you

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