Fertility and Alcohol - I am new - Send help!

I have been trying to stop drinking because I have struggled with fertility for about 4 years. I am 33 years old. I never thought it would affect things but its one of the only things I am bad about so maybe it is? I usually will have about 20 drinks a week. I am literally only on day one and my motivation is the fact I will be doing IVF in March and it is expensive and I don’t want to mess it up. But here I am already thinking to myself “man a couple glasses of wine would be nice later while I watch my show”. and I tend to crave my wine.

Any ladies out there with any experience in this topic? Any advice on how to curb cravings?


I just wanted to say well done for making this change and I am sorry for your struggles. I haven’t got experience of IVF personally but am only on Day 5 of giving up wine myself so happy to help you through as best I can. Reading everything here is helping me loads, and lots of self care (which is good if you are preparing your body for IVF too). Take it one day at a time and good luck for both being sober and the IVF!


I am not a lady but I have been through the IVF process with my wife. Anything you can do to get yourself safe and healthy, helps.

That wine craving comes out of habit but you can change it, replace it with a new habit. Exercise, visiting Talking Sober, cooking, yoga, audiobooks, sketching, etc etc - the only limit is your imagination. :innocent:


Build up good positive support groups, try helping others less fortunate whenever possible, read around here alot of good topics and people that might help you get through the cravings. Good to see you here :grinning::+1:


There are several threads about IVF here on Talking Sober, some by women, some by men. If you search “IVF” in the search field you will find them. It’s worth taking a look! There are a good mix of experiences.

This one is a relatively recent one and it has a lot of responses from people, and some speak about their experiences too - it’s a good thread for collected experiences of IVF:

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This is so helpful thank you!!

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Thanks so much - excited to feel better and better myself.

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Wonderful and congrats on the 5 days! This is day 1 for me - daunting but I am hoping I can stay strong to give myself the best chances.

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