Fifteen Months and going strong

09-05-2019 or 15 months ago I walked into my first AA meeting. After the first meeting I was suggested to go to 30 meetings in 30 days and 90 meetings in 90 days just to get the feel of what AA was all about. Well a week after my first meeting I was scheduled to be put on an ankle monitor and put on house arrest for 20 days. I knew I needed to quit drinking so I didn’t end up in jail, I wasn’t going to make it in there for 20 days. I made it thru the first month while on ankle monitor and only being able to leave my Hobbit hole once a day for meetings. My ex of 8 years lived with me at the time and he was still drinking a fifth a day, man did that make it difficult at first but I resisted the temptations and continued to go to meetings. About 3 months into my sobriety my ex had strangled me and was arrested for felony assaults. With the help of the law, AA, my friends and my now sober thinking I realized how toxic this relationship was so I kept the protective order that was in place and kept plugging along with my sobriety. The AA members helped me thru such a tough time in my life and I will always be grateful for them. Fast forward thru alot of heartaches and headaches of daily living to today I am a changed woman. I am happy about my life and have goals that I want to accomplish, I will soon have my daughter back in my life, I have wonderful friends around me that support my sobriety. I have an awesome one of a kind vehicle I bought from an old timer at the meeting that I give rides home to 3 days a week(accountability). I have a job I am able to keep because I’m not hungover, and actually enjoy my job now. There’s so much more to add to this list and it’s all because I chose to put that bottle down and to stay sober.


Wonderful. Thank you for this amazing share.
:heart: :heart:

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I wept the first dozen or so times I heard the promises.


Totally can relate to that !! It’s shares like these that remind me how lucky I am to have what I have today. Thank you again.

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It’s so awesome how much our perspective on life changes after sobriety. People like us know what hell truly is and we learn to appreciate what’s good in our lives after we’ve been through it. Congratulations to you and keep it going! :blue_heart:


Thank you, life still gets all up and down but glad I have the tools to help keep me sober one day at a time.


Congratulations!! I’m so freakin happy for you Suzanne! Your transformation has been amazing. You are truly an inspiration to me and many others.

Btw… I’m 2 weeks behind you and I was thinking I was coming up on 14 months. Thank you for setting me straight. lol


Amazing. I’m so happy for you. Congratulations to God for your success.


Thank you so much, living life on life’s terms has been rough at times but it’s completely doable. Glad that you have kept plugging along this journey.


Good work!

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well done from a old timer doing great your journey has just began ,doing the right thing surrounding yourself with a good sober network wish you well


So very happy for you @Suzrene!! You are inspiring in your dedication and growth!! :heart:

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I am so humbled by your journey. Congratulations my friend! Continue your steps towards success :slight_smile:

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