Fifty days alcohol free

Fifty days alcohol free!!!


Congrats. Keep up!

@DancinHomer4 Congrats !!!
50 days that’s huge !!!

Congratulations, I wish I had looked that fit after 50 days! :muscle:

Way to go! 50 days is incredible work!!

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Great job on 50 days!

Right on man! No good reasons to stop now, only bad ones.

Amazing work!! Congrats!!

It feels so good to be AF :sparkles::blush:

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Thank you everyone for the kind and encouraging words. Over the last fourteen months I’ve been able to put together a 77, 31, and now 51 day streak abstaining from drink. Although I stumbled after the initial two consecutive day streaks I still was able to learn so much about what motivates me to use and why I want to never drink again. I have strength that I never knew I had. I have kindness and compassion which eluded me behaviorally while using to the point that I didn’t even realize they were traits in which I possessed. I have found I am capable of laughing at myself and finding joy and humor when there is seemingly no light in an otherwise dark and cold world. I have learned that the demons in my head are just that. They are in my head and feed on my insecurities and fear. They thrive when I despise myself. When I allow myself to believe I am unworthy of forgiveness, and most importantly love they rejoice. I learned that I have the courage to win the battle against those demons when I stop my inherent cynicism and let myself acknowledge the beauty that life brings upon us daily. Everyday I learn more and more about myself. For the last twenty three years my existence has lived within the dysfunction of my abuse. I never knew who I truly was or what I wanted out of life, because my brain was so addled and possessed by my affliction… Today, I think I actually like myself. Maybe the man I am right now is brave enough to acknowledge my mistakes, to move forward with kindness yet unwavering fortitude .Most importantly to help others in their own desperate attempt to find the meaning necessary to beat their addiction. My heart breaks daily watching men and women inflicting so much sorrow and ultimately death into their own world. Yet it is repaired nightly as I watch so many others regain control and balance in their world and bring light into my life with their strength.


Congrats to you!

Congrats! :sparkling_heart::tada:

What you wrote resonates with me. When I was drinking nothing good ever came out of it. All my relationships suffered. Drinking wasnt fun anymore. It started to change my personality. I was becoming hateful and always angry , waiting to pick a fight. I found that when i was on the drink i became more dark. It made my depression worse and made me lazy. I had no ambition, i just wanted to come home and pour one. I couldnt wait till the day ended to do that. I wasnt exercising or doing anything of real meaning. Im 38 days AF again and found my smile. Thank you for sharing your words. :pray::orange_heart::vulcan_salute::metal:


I spent the day reliving past trauma and catastrophizing
hypothetical outcomes to events that have not occurred yet and may not even happen at all. I was a complete wreck all day. I lived the entire day inside of my own head and felt terrified for the majority of the afternoon. I managed to make it to the gym and spent an hour and a half playing basketball. This is something that normally helps to ground me, while bringing me some amount of peace. It takes me out of my head and into a world where reaction, instinct and coordination are paramount. It leaves me little to no time to worry or create scenarios to be fearful of. Instead of finding joy or at least escape I thought about how I had given up on the game I loved and had wasted years of practice, hard work, and God given talent so I could get high and run a muck embarrassing myself and my family. It was a rough day. A day I usually would drink away. A day I would wash away all that regret and search for excuses at the bottom of every bottle I finished. Today I was strong. I endured the self loathing and am crawling into a bed without having taken a drink. I guess that makes today a great day.


Be proud of your days! And your day today. The shame wants to pull us back in to the cycle. You did great to stay strong! Push the mute button on that shame. You’re sober here and now, and tgat is something to be mighty proud of and grateful for. Onward! :pray::orange_heart:

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Yes another day without the angony of booze. I got stuck catastrosizing, always worrying about things that could happen, always thinking worse case senario, as if I was trying prepare myself for a storm that I could always see approaching. And then I realized something. That the wind is always going to be coming. Its never going to stop… instead Im learning to adjust my sails. Try to stear out of the storms. Thats what I say all the time now, “Julia…adjust your sails.” Tomorrow will be 40 days for me. And I am
happy and filled with gratitude :pray: :blush::v::orange_heart:

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