Fight your own monsters

Since I can remember I called alcohol a monster. It made nights a living nightmare when my brothers got going.
I was ~8 then. When I really remember it beginning. When I came to know this monster.
Then I befriended this monster and it’s cousins at some point. But it was ok because I wasn’t my brother.
22 years later I’ve now danced with the devil and found my way back. 22 years later the monster in my brother remains. I’m having a really hard time right now. I moved to japan and I’m staying because it’s healthier for me. I also can’t return because I don’t feel safe being near him. He’s such a sack of you know what. Today I almost grabbed beers and started drinking. I didn’t because I never want to be anything like him.
Fightings monsters has been a life long battle…but now I’m just trying to fight my own instead of his.


Thats all we can do. Fight our own monsters.
Thanks for sharing!

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I’m praying that you find a way to surrender. When I disengaged from the daily fight and focused on growing my health and sobriety, my monsters lost their power over me.

I fought to exhaustion, and I even joined their side toward the end. But I got sober when I resigned from the fight against sobriety and turned to a higher knowledge that everything is gonna be alright and I will be able to stop drinking. Everything has been alright for a long time now, and I am grateful every day for that truth.


Took me a long time to learn that. I knew it to be true but it wasn’t easy to stop trying to fight for others who won’t even stand for me.

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Since I moved to Japan it has gotten easier to focus on my self-growth rather than fighting for someone else to be better.
I’ve lost the feeling of a home to go back to in exchange for stronger value of who I am and who I want to be.
Today was just a struggle.