Fighting impulses

I’m having trouble fighting the impulsive thoughts and cravings. I’ll be fine all day, then out of nowhere, I have the impulsive feeling to go pick up and stay out. Even though every fiber of my being is saying no, for some reason I can’t fight the urge …

How do y’all fight it?


You dont really fight against it you accept that it comes and you ride it out with the full knowledge that it will pass because it always does… then you look to the reasons why your brain is wanting to escape emotion, comfort itself from? feel better about?

Editing to add to this…i feel like if you try to fight cravings or feelings of any kind really it creates an inner conflict and from there the impulse to run/escape is formed…if you can just accept cravings and feelings are there, aknowledge them then explore the reasons why they are there its much more helpful


I get it. Im on day 47 so kind of still getting into to new routine. For whatever reason it creeps into my head. The thoughts eventually go away. If I’m having a particularly strong one I play the movie until the end in my head. It ends with me hungover and regretful the next morning or the worse version of me continuing down the road I foughr to get off of and then losing everything.


I know exactly how you feel I was 15 days clean and gave into the impulse Friday night after been fine all day just basically said fuck it instead of coming on here and talking or doing something to take my mind off it to ride it out


Write down the reasons why you decided to quit, your rock bottoms or bad things that it caused you. Refer to this list when the cravings are trying to tell you it’s a good idea

Also, see the cravings for exactly what they are : addiction.
The addictive voice in your head will tell you anything to get what it wants. Once you realise that it’s easier to tell it to go away, or be quiet. That could be quite frequently to begin with, but it will weaken, and eventually you’ll be able to laugh at it.


I would play the tape through to the end. That gives you a glimpse into what would happen if you pick up.

Understand that cravings happen, a lot in the early days. They aren’t going to kill you, they will pass. Accept it, ride the wave like @Starlight14 suggests.

You get through them one day, one hour, one minute at a time.

Coming here and checking in on the check in thread is a good idea too. You will get a lot of support there.

With each craving you sqash, the stronger you get and the weaker the next one is.


Its also worth remembering that when thoughts and cravings come it doesnt mean you have to act on them. I have a mental convo with mine sometimes…oh so your here again are you? Well ive got better things to do than listen to you today like washing my hair, so pipe down :laughing: