Finally, 1 Week and 3 days

I posted for the first time on Feb 16 and haven’t been back until now. I was still in the process of appointments with an addiction specialist and a medication specialist, which took jumping hoops through to get. No excuses, but I’m wanted some time under my belt with sobriety before returning. The first weeknights were great (honeymoon period, I guess?) where I was so excited for new beginnings. When Friday and Saturday nights hit, those were a different ballgame. I don’t know why those were different from weeknights because I drank EVERY night. Anyhow, I’m just grateful to be sober for this “long” in probably 10-15 years! I know there will be big challenges along the way (daily stressors, dinner with friends, holidays, summer, vacations), but I know I need to take 1 day at a time! :blush:
Have a peaceful day everyone :heart:


Sounds like you’ve got your momentum going! Keep up the good work! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3: