Finally admitting the truth

Hi all. My story is a little bit different than ones I’ve read (although I haven’t read them all)
I’m in my 30s and I live in a beautiful house with my kids and my cat.

I refused for a long long time to call myself an alcoholic, I didn’t drink before the kids went to bed, I didn’t drink everyday, I never woke up not knowing how I got home.

But yes I can now admit I am one because when I do have a drink it’s never just one it’s always a full bottle, I looked forward to the kids bedtime so I could pour a drink out, I spent more money on booze than the kids.

So after a binge again at the weekend I have decided to stop completely before hitting my bottom because I cannot put my kids through that!

3 days in and I’m not craving thankfully but there will be hurdles ahead, I know this and I can tell being on here speaking to all you wonderful people will help so much :black_heart:


Welcome Porcha! :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Welcome to the neighborhood! :wink: You have lots of friends and support here :heart:

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Hey @Porcha ! Good for you! Your story isn’t all that different, there are SO many different roads and yet they all end up in the same damn place! When I realized how "high functioning " I was, and was really ready to admit it to myself- it was like a HUGE weight lifting. I just shake my head at myself now thinking about how much I was drinking, how often, and pretending like I had it under control. Because I never drank before work, never had a DUI, never was arrested, etc, etc. Blah blah blah. Excuses excuses.
Now I keep telling myself- it’s not that I don’t get to drink anymore; I don’t have to drink anymore.
Good luck on your journey! :v:t3:


I think there are many like you out here, I’m one of them :blush:
Congratulations with the desicion to take a different path. See you around, it helps to be here much :facepunch:

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