Finally came clean about my secretive drinking to my husband and family

Thank you so much for your post… I came clean to my family on 12/26… felt like I couldn’t deal with the lie anymore… same for my wife of 30 years as far as the trust factor… betrayed my family … lied… snuck around etc… you made me feel like I’m not the only one to behave this way and feeling crappy about myself… ready for this long forever journey… Happy New Year to you and your family.


Its funny how we think we can be alone but the reason we feel that way is because we dont tell anyone else. Ive found more and more people, including family who have been in our shoes. Prayers to you for continuing your strength as it will be easier. Nobody hates you. Nobody wishes bad on you. And those who love you will help you guide yourself into a happier healthier life. You are needed and wanted and congratulations on opening up. May your new year be filled with much more happiness and health.

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659 days - even more now!!! I cant wait to say that about myself aswell. That’s wonderful! Thank you :slight_smile:


How are you doing? :heart::heavy_heart_exclamation:

Congrats it takes a lot to find the courage to tell your significant other about having an addiction. I’m proud of you and you’re on the right path. Keep up the hard work