Finally Free

So I’m 22 years old and have a handsome 4 year old son who is a blessing to me. I am a recovering addict and today makes 18 days for me. I started my road to recovery February 8th of 2017. Since then I have grown. Learned. Progressed. Struggled. When I first quit in Feb of last year I went 7 months before my first lapse. Since then I have lapsed and relapsed while learning and growing. It’s just the start of a life long journey. Drugs have been apart of my life as long as I can remember. Both parents are addicts and family members too. It’s been a deadly cycle that I’m determined to break for me and my child. I get discouraged. I have my days. But my motivation and my higher power give me the strength everyday to live a new life. To make the changes necessary to overcome my chains of being a addict. They say It’s not about where you’ve been, it’s about where your going. Well I say It’s all the same because when you’ve been somewhere and have learned lessons from being there it paves the way for where your going!:fist: Never give up. Get up and keep going. Live and learn. Love and grow! Im finally Free of my active drug use and working on removing my chains in my lifestyle and habits put on by my addiction. Please Show some love and support everyone​:ok_hand::muscle:


@LiveNLearn I thought I was reading my story. Almost exactly. Except for our age. I come from long lineage of addicts; I was most likely born one, picked up in my early teens & am trying to arrest it @ age 45. Real hard. Go to AA, talk to God, read, listen to audio, watch vids, on here…it’s very interesting. So, here’s to us, no matter what age or gender, fighting the good fight. I, too have a 4 year old. God bless us & keep us🤩



Thanks for the feedback. I attend NA meetings and attend substance abuse groups 3 times a week. Right now I’m really struggling with making a positive support system for myself as well as making good friends. Any advice?

This is so true!!! I’m struggling but I’m trying not to waste it!

Super inspiring my friend! Its really encouraging for me to read your story. Thank you. As far as support systems, those groups you are in sound like a good resource for support. This forum helps me and belonging to an exercise class where you see the same people each week helps me as well. Great work so far, stay strong and active!!

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Thanks a lot. I really appreciate the love. I hope your journey in recovery is always successful. One Day at a time!

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