Finally Serenity

I am grateful and humbled to have taken a four year medallion last night at my homegroup. The energy that filled that room was undeniable. The love that flowed from peoples mouths, eyes and hearts was something I truly have never experienced before. As I sat there between my dad and my partner listening to people share on the reading I chose and then congradulate me on my time, I was working hard. I was working hard on keeping the wounded parts of me comfortable so they didnt take me out of the meeting. Thats what I have learned to do this year, I have learned to trust myself, me the essence of who I am. All of those parts that think I need protecting or think that I cant handle life have either been given new jobs in my psyche or their voices have been shrunk to whispers. So last night I didnt need to listen to little voices in my head saying, “they dont really think like that of you.” Or " youre not deserving of all this praise" or my favorite part and most reliable part that dissocociates me. Instead of any of that, I got the bask in the beauty of my body. I got to feel my heart beating hard, so hard it felt it would burst through ny chest. I got to breathe, and feel my lungs expand, filling with cool air as it passed my nostrils. I got to listen and take in all of the love that was being offered to me. And I accepted it, because I am worthy of it.

When I came to TS just over 4 years ago I had hit a spiritual bottom that I had barely been surviving for 9 years. The only way I had kept myself alive was to self injure and as my spiritual void got bigger, my need to die got stronger, and my self injuring got worse. So worse it landed me in urgent care and eventually into and IOP. I was a shell of a woman, I had nothing left but blackness inside me. Addiction had robbed me of my spirit. 33 years in active addiction, failed attempts, years worth of shame, a life time of trauma I felt my chances were pretty bleak but for some reason I tried one last time. I gave myself a year, I would give Narcotics Anonymous everything I had for I year. I would take all the suggestions and if my life wasnt better after a year I would quit.
4 years later I have a life beyond my wildest dreams. At the end of last year I followed a whisper that came from deep with in and started to make jewelry. Within a year I have built a business and sold over a hundred pieces. I have stopped questioning my Divine Guidance with the negativity of my mind and just let go. We all have a purpose in this life something that we cant be told of, we need to feel it to know it. I hope that you can all feel your purpose one day because that my friends is the meaning of a life of Serenity. Thats what it feels like to have an unfettered soul.

If youre clean today dont look back.
If youre thinking about stopping, give yourself a chance at a life with out chains. Youre worth it.

:sparkles: :white_heart: :sparkles:


So very happy for you Stella on your 4 years and awed by the incredible focus and strength you have shared over the years. You pave the way and lead by example and I am grateful our paths have intersected. Serenity is such a blessing. :sparkles::heart: Much love and many hugs my friend!! :heart::people_hugging::heart:


I’m not crying :cry:
You’re crying :sob:
I’m so dang proud of you Twinnie

Love you girl


So good Stella, congratulations :clap::tada:


Beautifully expressed! :heart_eyes:
You’re worth it!
Congratulations! Love you!
:heart: :hugs:


Wow! Congratulations and thanks for sharing your story. You are such an inspiration!


Thank you for sharing Stella - what a beautiful post all around. So grateful for your insights on this journey. Grateful for seeing how truly gratifying sobriety can be (even through all the challenges).

You my friend are totally WORTHY! So grateful that you had your loved ones with you as you received your beautiful medallion. :heart:

Much love dear friend :people_hugging:


4 years is amazing, reading that gave me goosebumps thank you


Huge congrats to you on your 4 years!

Very glad that the spark of a dream was never truly gone, hey? Very very glad for you that it, combined with your steadfast work, has flourished into what your life is today.

Lookin’ forward to seeing just what comes of the year ahead. Onward, friend. :wink: :pray: :orange_heart:


WOW thank you for sharing this with us. Congratulations!


So glad to read this this morning. So happy for you. So proud of you. ODAAT and all that. You’ve come a long way Lady. Thank you so much for walking with me. Ever going forward. Together on our own roads. Huge congrats!!! Much much love. :heart: :people_hugging: :heart:


Congratulations @Its_me_Stella !
So happy for you, so proud of you.
Big and continuing journey going from where you were to where you are… one step at a time… remembering times that were so darn hard for you and you would pull through always with your beautiful words and insights, helpful and inspirational for all…
Your wings spread far helping so many here and in your 3D while you continue on … big hugs, lots of love and sincere admiration.


Yesssss congrats on 4 years @Its_me_Stella

I so enjoy reading your story, growth, and shares. You have an authentic spirit and it shines thru your words. Much love sober sister