Finding Love in the rooms of NA

Writing because I myself cannot believe the good things that are happening are reality. And I’ve battled with the unwritten law of men with men and women with women the past couple of weeks in the rooms of NA.

In early recovery I was at an NA meeting (being a woman I stuck with the women) but I was grabbing a coffee and a guy we’ll call him “Y” made a joke about how much he hates the powdered coffee creamer. I laughed because everyone who’s in the rooms knows how cheap and sort of disgusting it is but you learn to love it.

Time passes we don’t talk but I see him once and a while at meetings. Couldn’t explain why but I continued to be drawn to his “vibe.” Plus what female addict can resist a parolee certified felon, (lol) sometimes you just can’t help it and find it insanely attractive no matter the insanity of the idea! Stone cold sober at that, thinking clearly!

So the urge came over me one night that I saw him to go up to him and give him my number not knowing what I was even thinking, I must be crazy I thought. I invited him to help me move into a new place but by time he showed up I only had one box left to carry in! (Lol) So we just sat and talked for hours. And when he left he hugged me but did not kiss me. Which left me confused cause in addiction that’s never how things played out!

We kept hanging out leaning on each other never running out of things to talk about. But continued to never make a move. Then I get a txt from Y asking me if I’m a relationship kind of person because he was being to fall for me, wanted to build a friendship first, and get to know me. WHAT!? How the hell did I pick 1. Someone who’s not an A-hole! 2. Someone who treats me right! I was baffled because there could be 100 men and I’d always found/attracted the wrong ones. I said “I have to be dreaming! How can something this good happen to me of all people” being a heroin and cocaine addict 2007-2015 I wasn’t use to anything but bad things.

Anyway I wanted to share this story I got my first kiss last night. I soul searched deep inside myself if I could accept the responsibility of only affecting Y’s recovery positively as well as my own as I explored this new adventure. And came to the conclusion that I will remain mindful and accept this privilege… That I am ready for such a commitment.

Beautiful things happen when you’re in recovery that will blow your mind! I promise you that.



Great story!! Recovery is full of blessings!! :purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart::heart:

Good story, just be very carefull .

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I agree with @Cobaltchris. Be very careful. There’s a saying in recovery, especially in early recovery, we attract people at the same level of health that we are at. It has been suggested to many in recovery to stay out of a new relationship, ESPECIALLY, one in the rooms until at least a year of sobriety. Most of us know nothing about what a healthy sober relationship looks like, feels like or how to do it. We don’t understand what healthy boundaries are and that first year working with a sponsor, working the steps is when and how we learn how to live life without drugs and alcohol making all our decisions for us. You didn’t say how much time you or he has, either way you should both talk with your sponsors for guidance. Stay strong, stay focused on you, one day at a time.


Yeah i got to say agreed to that… but its not my business but i do care .what im concerned about is this: if you get together you can stay happy for awhile and if one of you go relapse it can be very hard to handle and might end in tradigy… one or both end in the botle… i hope its not going to happend i do hope for a Great outcome . Anyway do the things thats makes u happy