Finding my strength through life's toughest challenges

Im learning that life will only hand us challenges that we’re strong enough to face. This year has been the hardest of my life so far. But everything that has happened to me was only preparing me and making me strong enough so i can grow into the person I’m supposed to be.
I was in a in a relationship that i had to walk away from which then turned nasty and violent. A Violent Restraining Order in place, and i still have to fight this monster through court proceedings and hiding my identity at every turn.
2 days ago, my partner who helped me out of that volatile situation left me and and I had to move out. Homeless and broke $$, this is the lowest point in my life. But it’s only ignited a fire inside me that I’ve never felt before. I’m burning with passion and determination to prove to myself that I’m so much stronger than anyone has ever given me credit for. I’ll be 10 days clean tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong, fighting this demon inside me is taking every ounce of energy i have, but I owe it to myself to know what true happiness feels like. Its not up to those around me to fix my life. Accepting the part i played in my own demise, choosing to not be a victim anymore, and deciding to be my own biggest supporter, that’s what’s going to get me through this.


And that is what makes YOU an incredibly amazing person.


Absolutely well said; let your light shine!!! You are amazing


Thank you, that means a lot. For a very long time i didnt feel amazing at all. I can feel that changing every day. 10 days today :hugs:

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Thank you. Gonna shine so bright i blind everyone who ever doubted me. I love the support of this community, thank you



“Never give up. Have hope. Expect only the best from life and take action to get it.”
— Catherine Pulsifer

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That’s a journey and a half. Credit for staying strong and on the recovery path. :purple_heart:

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