First 7 Days!

Hello everyone. I am new to this fo Sober Time but thought I would share my first milestone as I am wicked excited. I just hit one week sober from alcohol after drinking daily for almost 3 years. I NEVER missed a day. It’s a great feeling not waking up feeling sick, or not remembering the previous night. Reading other peoples’ posts on this app has really motivated and inspired me and I hope I’ll be able to do the same someday. Good luck to everyone out there!


Welcome and way to go. Ten days here.

“Wicked”? A fellow New Englander? :sunglasses:


Lol! Nope, a Midwesterner. Just picked up the lingo somewhere and it stuck! Congrats on 10 days!

Welcome! I’m happy for you. It sounds like you’re taking some healthy steps.

It feels so nice to not feel bad when you wake up right? There’s a whole new world. :innocent: Take some time, explore your sober life. It’s very interesting :smile:

Do you have some hobbies or other thongs you’re doing with your new free time? Or maybe just taking some time to do self care?

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I also think that’s “wicked cool” fellow new englander :slight_smile:

7 days sober is amazing and

@peegee 10 days is amazing

Keep it going guys


Congrats!! What an amazing accomplishment, you are doing amazing! :raised_hands::sparkling_heart:

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Welcome, are you the cactus :cactus: from Final fantasy ? :joy:

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Welcome. And congratulations on your first full week. That’s a great start. I was wicked excited too!! Former Bostonian here. @peegee
Well north of Boston.

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Day 7. Best feeling.


:grin: yep! That’s a Cactuar! :cactus:

I have some projects for work to work on that are very time consuming which is helping. I also play video games and role playing games are a great distraction for me because I can get lost in another world. Meditation helped me the last time I tried quitting so I’ve started that again as well.

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Congratulations! I am also celebrating 7 sober days today


Little buggers aren’t they- always running off :grinning:

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Sounds like fun! Yeah it’s nice when we have time we can dedicate to other things. I’ve gotten into a little volunteering - I have a weekend community class with children, we do lessons and songs, it’s fun. I never used to have time for that sort of stuff because I was always stuck in my addiction.

I love role playing games. I used to play them all the time when I was in school. Gotten a bit away from them as I’ve gotten into my career, but I still have very positive memories. I was a sword and dungeon, fantasy role player. What type of RPG do you do?

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I like RPG video games like The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy etc. Right now I am playing Greedfall. Not only does it let me get immersed in another world and “live” out adventurous experiences, but it keeps the mind occupied. There are times when I had no idea 2 or 3 hours had flown by which is at least 2 to 3 hours if not thinking about drinking.

I think that’s great that you are using your time to volunteer. Addiction or not, it’s an admirable use of your time. Way to go!

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Oooh GreedFall looks awesome. I love that setting for the game - what an adventure :horse_racing: :crossed_swords:

Glad to hear it’s working for you :innocent: Have you had any withdrawals or difficulties so far?

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Last week was bad so I checked myself into the hospital for detox. Since then, the physical withdrawal symptoms have subsided, thanks to the many prescriptions they gave me. Now it’s just the “mental withdrawals.”


7 days here. And yes a New Englander. Grew up in Quincy, MA. College in Boston, then moved south. I picked right up on wicked, too.

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:sweat_smile: I didn’t know “wicked” was a new englander thing. I’m from Minnesota and picked up the word somehow when I was young and it stuck. It’s a good word :hugs:

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This makes you a ROCKSTAR!!! Stay positive. Best of the best possible wishes!