First AA meeting in 6 years

Just wanted to share a few days ago I went to my first AA meeting in 6 years since 2018. I went to 3 on the first day. skipped a day because of the weather, went to a fourth yesterday. im excited at the idea of continuing this trend. People on here for years have been nagging at me to get my ass to a meeting and I kept resisting for one reason or another. Just wanted to say, to anyone struggling its a really good idea. Also hadn’t been on here in ages and wanted to update on how im doing. thanks for reading.


It’s good to see you back!

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I try to not make an excuses with not making meetings but its been months at least 8 months . Between being busy with work and getting projects done Traveling and spending what time i do get at home doing projects and relaxing its just been alot going on but i focus everyday and put step work into everyday use. Welcome back and good job getting back in the rooms


Welcome back and good to see you! :raising_hand_woman:
Glad the meetings are such a good experience for you, that stimulates others here as well to try them some day.


Welcome back @donut89! Glad you finally followed the advice and hit a meeting. I went through some huge life challenges last year, meetings and the people there saved my ass. I had a lot going on but I made sure to get to my regular meetings.


Yea people on here tell you to try a meeting knowing it makes the sober journey easier wish you well


I’ve been keeping count and have gone to 7 meetings so far. I look forward to them and its different than when I went before. One day at a time…


I got my one month chip today


@donut89 congrats man!! woohoo!! that’s fantastic :clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4:

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Congratulations on your one month chip Donut. Great job :clap:

I’m going to AA meetings now too. I never thought I needed them. I got 4 years of sobriety on here and finally got my ass in a seat. And I look forward to my Thursday nights and love the Friday night speaker meetings. Good to see you.


Getting back into meetings i gotta find time … its so easy to come up with a reason not to go to one for me . 1 im constantly on the run working at up 2 offices a week or 2 its im Traveling for work weeks at a time or 3 which is ill say im gonna go to a meeting and its holly f ive yet to really spend time with my wife. Ive got 14 months of Soberity but since our company started this Traveling work it’s a life balancing act of work family and Soberity still


Do you have the meeting guide app? I bet it would help you find some nearby meetings when you’re on the road…

I dont honestly…

It’s called Meeting Guide and it is published by AA

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you should download it. then if you dont vibe at the meeting you go to you can try other times and other locations until you find one that clicks with you.

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I just noticed that you came back.
It’s good to see you again.

Here’s my thoughts on the importance of meetings.
Meetings are not used to help me stop using my DOC.
Meetings are used to help satisfy my need for connection, which is a bigger problem than it’s symptom, which is using.
Ignoring this need is putting myself at a serious disadvantage. Treating a symptom without exposing and dealing with a root problem will always end up unsuccessful.

Thank you for sharing. And congrats on your sobriety.


thats a really good way of putting it. Yeah, its good for the soul, for me as well. I kept looking for friends I already knew, to see if anyone could relate to alcoholism. Which was clearly the wrong way to go about it, although a part of me just wanted to help destigmatized addiction and help people see its okay to talk about it… at the meetings, we might all be from different walks with different stories but we have the same core problem of alcoholism. And I wish I’d gone back sooner, truthfully. Going from people who drink to having no friends at all essentially, going back to old friends and back and forth is what I did from 2019-about a month ago… yeah. idk, there’s so much that goes into it beyond just that, at the same time… I have to think that maybe I was not ready for AA. What is the saying? “Finish your drinking”. Or however it goes… Its like someone can have all the key indicators that they are alcoholic, but until they see and recognize it for themselves and realize that they personally are incapable of drinking “normal”, AA won’t be the place for them. Thats how it seemed to be for me at least… I’d gone to AA in 2017-2018 for probation and though I took it seriously, there was so much I did not realize. So instead of it just being like say, a theory, alcoholism becomes more of an experience and im just grateful to be on the other side of it and really TRULY hope that I do not drink again… I have to recognize it is “life or death” because thats exactly what it is for me… and it terrifies me…

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Hi Donut, I just bumped into a post you created in September last year. You were devastated and hurt and it made me sad to read how you feel about your life. It really touched me hard.
And then I’ve found this thread and learning you just got your 1 month chip made my heart jump.
Congratulations on your successful sober journey Donut.
It’s great having you here.
You made my day today