First AA meeting in years

Today I attended my first AA meeting via zoom. And boy did I cry. But I was able to hear everyone share and relate to what each person was going through. Close to the end I was asked to share. And I did , know I was going to cry and I did, share and cry. It was raw and needed. I was given several numbers and encouraged to reach out. At this moment I’m sitting at my kitchen table writing my ‘last 90 days’ and reflecting on my present moment. Why I’m here , the DUI, the delusion that I can control it, that I’m an alcoholic that this is where I need to be. I have to go through this to learn and try and get it right.


Glad you got the courage to show up for yourself and your recovery. Proud of you for sharing authentically. Everyone there can certainly relate on some level. Keep building those sober muscles.


That’s awesome! Going to meetings for me, is like being thrown a life preserver for the day.:star2::star2::star2::star2:


This share brought tears to my eyes. Great job showing up for yourself. Keep up that good work! :clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Love that image, totally agree