First AA meeting today, Felt amazing and now anxious

Hello! I am 10 days sober and today i attended my first AA meeting with some friends followed by a nice meal and a great chat about all of it. I was feeling great about it all until I got home, and now anxiety… feeling frozen. What a rollercoaster. Also dealing with my break up, missing him but not really wanting to talk, plus we have a ton of loose ends to tie up, such as my stuff over there and all the admin work I was doing for his business and building. The reason I can’t grab my stuff is bc I am on crutches plus don’t have a space for the big items like performance props and rigging. I feel like my thoughts are overwhelming me and just need to focus on my stuff here at home and deal with the stuff with break up later he hasn’t mentioned any of it… so no rush right?


No rush, girl. The important thing is that you are sober tonight. Youve been working hard and should feel proud for attending AA. Youre making power moves! Dont let your mind boycott your success. All that other shit will get done eventually, you have lots of time.

Anxiety podcasts help, making a to do list helps, journaling about your anxiety and feelings helps to seperate them from your body and mind, talk yourself down as if you were speaking to a friend.

I get anxiety too, it is overwhelming, I get it. But now we have to learn to manage it. Try different things ans figure out what works. Be gentle and slow. Deep breaths. Go for a walk to change your environment if you spiral. You can do it. Youre doing all the right things and everything is going to be okay and work out. I know it. You can rest for tonight.

virtual hug


Welcome :hugs:
Congratulations on your 10 days Alicia and your first AA meeting
I totally get the anxiety of the first AA meeting. I felt great and proud of myself because I was afraid to go. But then after I got home and the thrill, if that’s what you want to call it, wore off.
And that’s why I kept going back. Before I knew it I was looking forward to going back. If anything it fills my spiritual tank and gets me through another 24 hours.

I just moved and I need to start over in AA. You’ve just helped me realize I’ve been putting it off by me helping you. It’s wonderful how it works this way.

I’m sorry about your break up. I bet you do have a lot going on and a lot to think about.
I been so busy with my move I haven’t had time to breathe. I’ve been using the slogan “First Things First,” it’s been helping me a lot.
Feel free to use it too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m glad you found us.


Michelle thank you! All that is so helpful!

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I hear that! Yes love the slogan, I am definitely going to use it. It helps ease the need to worry about things that don’t need to be worried about.

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Exactly, the only thing that is a priority is your sobriety. You’ll be surprised how everything else seems to sort itself out in its own time once this is taken care of.


Just saw you got the same sober date as my son. Different year though.
Protect that date at all cost.


Congratulations on 10 days of sobriety… it’s one of my favorite milestones because it was such a hard one for me to get.

It sounds like you have a lot going on right now, put yourself and your sobriety first. Be selfish, love yourself. Best wishes to you and welcome to TS :slightly_smiling_face:


Glad your making that decision AA saved this old scotsman and i have hundreds of friends now all over the world just take it ADAAT no rush enjoy your new freedom wish you m well

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Hi! Very similar experience to what I am going through at the moment.

Also just attended my first AA meeting today, got to about 100 yards of the meeting and seen a crowd outside had to stop and take a breathe for a few months wasn’t sure I could handle it. Lucky enough the first conversation I had was with one of the guys who were running it so he quickly noticed my nerves and put me at ease.

I used to think until this morning that Alcoholism wasn’t an illness and I do have control over it, after hearing folks stories today I realize pretty much all of them summed up my situation and actions relate to theirs so it was a real eye opener. For the better I may add!

Also going through a break up as fresh as last week so things are also very tough on that side as well. My partner still has pretty much everything here so its a constant reminder of what Alcohol has cost me.

Stay strong hopefully we can all get better!