First attempt at being sober

It’s a beautiful life if you don’t pickup. I hear that relapses only get harder and harder to bear and to recover from. Welcome to the sober life!

AA Thought for the Day

When we think about having a drink, we’re thinking of the kick we get out of drinking—the pleasure, the escape from boredom, the feeling of self-importance, and the companionship of other drinkers. What we don’t think of is the letdown, the hangover, the remorse, the waste of money, and the facing of another day. In other words, when we think about that first drink, we’re thinking of all the assets of drinking and none of the liabilities. What has drinking really got that we haven’t got in AA? Do I believe that the liabilities of drinking outweigh the assets?


Hey Chris, hope your doing well today. Just read your story and I first want to thank you for your service. I understand that ashamed feeling you described, sure most of us here do. Use that as a reminder to send yourself in a positive direction.

I’m early in sobriety myself and am fighting that “turn it all off with a drink” mentality. This is the cycle that needs broken, after all that’s what lead us to where we are. I have lately tried hop water, 0 alcohol and a tasty substitute. Wish you well :pray:t3:


I discovered this guy a few weeks ago, completely life changing! I’m only having cold showers now and have been night swimming the last two night’s. I geel amazing :slight_smile:

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