First day beginning

Today’s the first day… Haven’t told anyone around me I’m gonna stop drinking. I guess it’s negate everyone sees it as a bugger issue than I do. Im 30. Just started drinking at 27 but from the start it was heavy and daily. It finally started hitting me how bad I was when I can’t remember going to work anymore cause I’m so wasted by the time I show up… I def need a change in my life. I just don’t want to disappoint anyone if I fail. I’ve overcome a few addictions just by stopping by alcohol hasn’t been as easy


Well done for making the first step and deciding to stop. Take 1 day at a time. Focus on anything and everything except drink. Reading, write it down, games, jigsaw, loud music to drown the thoughts out anything. You will find what works for you :grinning:


Congrats on taking the first step!

Take it one day at a time. Hang out with people who have been free for a while. Do what they do :fist:t3:

I’m in the same boat. I have told one person that I deeply trust that I know will keep positive even if I fail. Other than that, even when I try to tell anyone I just feel like I’m gonna fail and their either gonna be like “knew you couldn’t do it” or “don’t understand why you even try” or whatever. Like… yikes. So this app has been my main go to. Along with drinking Pepsi when I crave anything to drink & trying to focus on my career & side hustles to keep busy!