First day. I know the most important for me is to get a hobby, but what?

Hi guys! I’m on my first day quitting drinking. I have never tried before. My drinking has never been daily, I usually drink two times a week, but I always then drink to the point of blacking out and doing stupid things that is ruining my life.

I’ve been thinking of quitting for several years, but never decided to do it until now. I’ve been depressed for a long time and haven’t seen the point of it since my life has been sh*t anyway and I felt it’s to late.

However, I now feel I want to really try. I mean I only have one life, and things can at least only get better, and never worse, trying to be sober.

Since this is something I’ve been thinking about for such a long time I’ve also had the time to do som soul searching and research.

I feel a big reason for my drinking is because my life is pretty empty. I dont have a lot of friends or family I can spend my time with, and I do have a big lack of freetime due to living inconveniently.

With that said, I am pretty sure I have to get a hobby to make this. Because I think me not doing anything except working and being home alone is a big problem. So I guess my question is if you have any advice? Everything I have thought of seems either really uninteresting to me or to expensive and/or doesn’t work with my daily schedule… (mostly it’s just that it seems boring, so I guess I’m a boring person :rofl::wink:)

I must say that finding this app and reading through the forum is what made me decide this. You guys are all so strong! <3


Welcome. We are with u. One day at time, u know. God bless u.

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Thank you. I wish you well :blush:

Hi. Welcome. Well done for your choice to change your life.
Regarding hobbies, was there anything you liked as a kid that you would like to follow up on?

Don’t settle for a hobby, ignite a passion. Something that doesn’t just pass the time, but challenges you to grow as a person. Want to live a sober lifestyle? Choose a new lifestyle. For me it’s martial arts. I train every morning and attend classes 3-5 times a week. I read about them, watch videos about them. I have goals as a student and am diligently working towards them. I plan to travel abroad next year for 10 days of intensive instruction.

Woodworking or fishing just wouldn’t have done it for me. I enjoy both as hobbies but neither ignites a disciplined passion that martial arts does.

But I am me, and you are you. Your mileage may vary.


Hello! Yes, I really liked horses. But that is completely out of the question right now due to both money and time. I looked up cooking classes since I really love to cook and that seemed like a good hobby meeting new people also. But here in Stockholm it was around 200 bucks for just a one time, haha. So I’m still trying to find something else that is fulfilling :yum:

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Yes, that is exactly what I’m thinking. I need to find something to really invest in! I think it’s the only way for me, since I get bored easily. The problem is I really cant find anything that sparks my interest. I’ve been thinking about it for so long, but I cant find anything. Except Netflix, haha… when I was younger I painted a lot and wrote a lot. But I’ve tried that now as an adult, and it’s not for me. I think I need something more social, because that’s where I’m understimulated…


I’ve actually thought of that much, getting bored easily. Its been kind of a problem my whole life. I think that it’s a pretty usual tendency with us who cant handle alcohol/other drugs. I think we are kind of restless souls who have a problem just being calm and not doing something special all the time. If that makes sense, English isn’t my first language. So its very easy getting used to being drunk being in party-mode and not having to be restless and bored… (even if restless is exactly what you get when drunk, stupidly enough)

So try a bunch of things. Ballroom dance or pottery class. Rock climbing or running.

The thing is, you’ve decided to be better. Now be better. Is there something you’ve wanted to be better at? Start there.

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I’ve always wanted to be better at being organized. Like keeping my home nice and clean and pretty, if that counts? Also my house is really old and needs renovations. So maybe something to do with interior and painting the walls etc… It would be a nice rewarding system also. Everytime I want to buy wine, I can instead by something nice for my home :thinking:

Also I have like the given option for a hobby really. I have a dog. We are already out in the woods all the time (that’s a reason for me not having so much spare time for social life). But doing things socially with him would cause me more stress than good, since he has a big problem with other dogs. So we’ll keep hanging out inte woods for ourself I think, hehe. Longing for summer so we can switch the forest for the beach :yum:


There you go. Start with small projects. Watch YouTube on how to do it, then tackle them. As confidence and your toolbox builds, you can tackle larger, more complex projects. Not only will you be building sweat equity, you’ll learn new skills.

There are hiking clubs where I live. Might want to look into that. I was really into hiking in the early 2000’s. It was a passion and a lifestyle. I section-hiked the whole AT in VA, WV, MD, and Southern PA. Spent many a night out there, and I took my Blue Heeler with me on many hikes.

Glad your here. My house was never organized until I quit drinking. I started in one room. Well one cabinet, turned on music and got rid of everything I didnt need, use, or want. Things that were out of date. Found some really old mustard 2017 lol it kept me from drinking for weeks. Then the weather started to warm up so i could bike ride hike walk swing in the hammock read at the lake/beach. I also began meditating. Wishing you the best. You can be anything. :blush:


Yeah, I hate renovating because I know nothing about it. So now would maybe be a good time to learn!

I love hiking, but walking is what I do between 5 in the morning and 9 at night, haha. So that’s already kind of what I do all day. When traveling that’s also what I end up doing somehow :thinking: My hips are actually starting to get affected even :rofl: So I think I’ll try fixing my home rather then increase my walking :yum:

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Hehe, for me it’s the opposite. My fridge is always empty :rofl:

Yeah, it would be nice to make the home something that I’m proud of instead of just something to sleep in.

Oh, I’m so jealous of you doing meditation. I have tried it several times, but its completely impossible for me. However I’ve found movies, books and news is my meditation. That’s when I can turn of my own thoughts for a while.

Have you tried mindfulness? I really like that. Then my mind is allowed to have all these thoughts instead of having to be empty. It’s a bit easier than meditation if you’re really stressed and all over the place. For some reason I just dont do it, I really should.

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Try podcasts. I love them. There’s thousands out there on just about any subject you could think of. I listen to ones on history, martial arts, mystery theater. There’s ones on sobriety too…and home improvement.

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I know what you mean. Drinking takes up a lot of time weather it be at home or at the pub and now you / we have to fill that gap without being bored as fuck !!! I would not go grasping at things and trying things that you have no interest in as that will make the situation worse and will probably get you down. You say your boring but that’s just your opinion on yourself which is probably a bit low at the moment. Things will start coming to you and ideas will interest you over the next few weeks etc. Things you might of found interesting at school and forgot about or something you would never in a million years imagined yourself doing. The main problem most peaple have is money. Are there classes close by at a local college ? Fitness cost nothing ! I bought myself a banjo because I love Irish music and wanted a challenge and I got myself some drawing material which I have not even opened yet. Something will come up don’t put yourself under too much pressure though and you might surprise yourself.

Cool, I haven’t tried. I think right now in the beginning I will be spending much time here actually. I find this place really motivating. I dont care so much about the app itself counting days even though that’s good of course, but I really like the forum! I’m not ready to tell people around me I’m quitting, so it’s nice to have this place


Hi, Hi, its my first day too:hugs: I hope that everything will be better from this day :slightly_smiling_face:


I had a very hard time meditating in the beginning. I use the headspace app. It guides you through meditation. I still can’t empty my mind of thoughts. I just let the thoughts go. That’s what meditation is for me. Not dwelling on the thoughts. It’s not for everyone though. My husband has a panic attack when he does it with me. Lol

Ok so I had to look up mindfulness to make sure I understood it. Haha I do practice it but it is very difficult to stay in the moment. I am so much better at it now that I live one day at a time. I thought I had ADD but then i quit alcohol and added sugars and bang! No more ADD. I dont worry about tomorrow. My life however is pretty safe right now. Kids doing well we’re doing well and the family is healthy. Not sure how this will work when the shit hits the fan. I’m hoping to stay on this smooth path lol

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